Accessibility Notice

CU Boulder is committed to making information and resources available for all users. Some data and reports are provided via tools that are currently not fully accessible, so assistive technologies may not properly interact with the information.  We are working to improve the accessibility of our website and the resources we provide. If you have trouble accessing or using any of the data or reports, please contact data accessibility support or call 303-735-4357 to request assistance.

Most of the data referenced on this page are publicly available and summarized using Tableau, a data visualization platform. For the few cases where the data is private or is available in a different format (e.g., Excel file), a note is provided at the end of the description.

  • The ARP process was initiated fall 2008, replacing the Program Review Panel (PRP) process. ARP uses standard "unit profiles" produced by ODA for units undergoing review in any year of the ARP cycle.
    • Also includes over-time visualization of key metrics for departments (e.g., student enrollment, demographics, retention and graduation rates, and degrees awarded by degree level; SCH by instructor type; research expenditures).
  • Department Review visualization provides a detailed exploration of departmental research activity based on tenure/tenure track faculty in departments during Academic Year 2019-20 compared to AAU Public peer departments within the same discipline(s). (Private – access restricted to academic department leadership who may request access.)

All survey results are available for campus, college/schools and majors.  Additionally, survey results can be filtered or compared using various demographics fields that are included in the reports.

  • First-Year Students:
    • National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is administered every four years in spring semester to both first-year students and seniors. Results over time since 2000.
    • New Student Survey (NSS) is administered each semester to first-year students (first-time and transfer) prior to arriving at CU Boulder
    • Follow-Up New Student Survey (FUNSS) is administered each fall semester to first-year students (first-time and transfer) halfway through students’ first semester at CU Boulder.
  • Seniors:
    • National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) is administered every four years in spring semester to both first-year students and seniors. Results over time since 2000.
    • Senior Exit Survey is administered every four years in spring semester to seniors prior to graduation (results available summer 2021)
  • Graduate Students:
    • gradSERU is administered every two years in spring semester to all graduate students (excluding Law students). (results available summer 2021)
  • Alumni:
    • Graduate Destinations Survey is administered three times per year to all CU alumni (undergraduate and graduate students) six months after graduating from CU Boulder