A man stands on a balcony.

The power of positive psychology

Jan. 30, 2019

In hard times, our personal outlook can be the vehicle to a better place. This concept of learned optimism relies on the idea that we can teach ourselves to overcome negative thoughts. Psychology research shows that college students who participated in learned optimism programs experience less depression and anxiety, and...

View of the CU Boulder engineering field, Koelbel building, C4C and Flatirons after snowfall.

Colorado winter activities

Jan. 16, 2019

Hitting the slopes isn’t the only way to experience winter in Colorado. Here are a few ideas to share with your student. Outdoor activities Sledding is a fun winter activity to do right after a snowfall. This article has great information on local sledding hills in Boulder and suggestions for...


How to have a difficult conversation

Dec. 11, 2018

Having your student back home over winter break can be both stressful and enjoyable. Even when we have the best intentions and are thrilled to see each other, we can find ourselves in difficult conversations. Preparing for these interactions, whatever they may be, can help make us all feel more...

man on computer

Managing time and getting things done

Oct. 23, 2018

Getting distracted happens to the best of us, and learning to manage time effectively can play a big role in your student’s academic success. Here are some tips to help your student stress less about managing their time and getting the most out of their classwork and study sessions. Setting...


Getting ready for midterms

Oct. 11, 2018

Midterms can be stressful, and while some stress can help motivate us, too much can be harmful. Learning to manage stress is key in getting through what can feel like a challenging point in the semester. Here are tips on recognizing the negative signs of stress in your student and...

female sick with a cold

5 steps to preventing the flu

Oct. 10, 2018

Viruses can last 7–10 days, meaning symptoms like a stuffy nose, body aches, fatigue and a sore throat stick around for a while. Since antibiotics typically don’t work for viruses, it’s important for your student to do what they can to feel their best. As we head into flu season,...

career fair

How to use Career Services at any stage

Sept. 26, 2018

Career Services is the place on campus to help your student develop and strengthen their resume writing and interviewing skills, and define their own unique career path, at any point during their time here at CU Boulder. Here’s how Career Services can help at every stage of your student’s college...


Is your student not feeling well?

Sept. 13, 2018

CU Boulder students have access to a full range of health services located conveniently on campus. Health and Wellness Services is here to keep your student healthy and get them back on track when they aren’t feeling well so they can make the most of their time here at CU...


Healthy Buffs: 3 keys to personal growth this summer

June 7, 2018

With longer days and a different schedule, summer can be a great time for your student to consider what they want for themselves and how they can plan to make it happen. This can mean setting clear goals, planning for the future or just learning to live in the moment...

Developing Life Skills

Feb. 8, 2018

As your student becomes more independent, you may hear them use the phrase ‘adulting’ more often. Part of the student experience is developing skills and routines that are typical of an adult, such as cooking, completing household chores, running errands and paying bills. CU Boulder offers resources to help your...
