Published: Feb. 3, 2016
Dear Postdocs,

The PAC will be holding its annual Postdoc Appreciation Dinner on Thursday, Feb. 18 from 5-7pm. We will be celebrating with a *Free* Dinner from the UMC catering for all post-docs, significant others and advisers! Since we will be providing dinner, an RSVP is required for this event.

When: Thursday, February 18, from 5-7pm
Where: UMC Aspen Room
What: Postdoc Appreciation Dinner
Who: Postdocs, significant others, and advisers
How: RSVP on our website:​

Come join us for a celebration of all the hard work that we do as postdocs!  And feel free to invite your postdoc advisers to join us in appreciating the work that postdocs do.

**RSVP by 5pm on Wednesday, February 10. Late RSVPs will not be accepted for this event.

We hope to see you at the Postdoc Appreciation Dinner,

Emilie Royer and Larisza Krista