Rob Rupert to be Visiting Fellow at the Rotman Institute, Western University

March 25, 2019

Professor Rob Rupert will spend two weeks in late April and early May, 2019, as a Visiting Fellow at the Rotman Institute of Philosophy ( ) at Western University (formerly the University of Western Ontario). During this time, he’ll give presentations, meet with faculty and students, and generally contribute...

Mark Boespflug WIns Fellowship

March 21, 2019

PhD student Mark Boespflug has won a Graduate School Summer Fellowship, to be taken in summer 2019.

21st Annual Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference, March 8-9

March 6, 2019

The graduate students of the Department of Philosophy are hosting the 21st Annual Rocky Mountain Philosophy Conference this weekend, Friday March 8 - Saturday March 9, 2019. Click here for the conference website .


Feb. 28, 2019

On Wednesday 2/27/2019, Norlin Library hosted #ILookLikeAPhilosopher, featuring panelists Profs. Heather Demarest , Ajume Wingo , and Mitzi Lee , who talked about how they got into philosophy, their experiences as students and professionals, and ideas about diversity and the future of the field. The event was organized by Frederick...

Undergraduate History of Philosophy Essay Prize Announced

Feb. 18, 2019

The 2019 Undergraduate History of Philosophy Essay Prize will be awarded to the best undergraduate essay submitted on any topic in the area of history of philosophy (where the history of philosophy is understood as including figures, texts, topics, and debates prior to 1950). The prize comes with a cash...

CU Philosophy Department’s Center for Values and Social Policy hosts the 3rd annual Colorado High School Ethics Bowl, Saturday February 2, 2019

Feb. 4, 2019

Under what conditions, if any, is it morally permissible to read someone’s diary without their knowledge? To engage in a loud argument in public? To buy ivory? Eight teams from five area high schools came together to discuss these questions and many more at the third annual Colorado High School...

Call for Papers: Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress 2019

Jan. 30, 2019

The twelfth annual Rocky Mountain Ethics Congress will take place August 8-11, 2019 at the University of Colorado Boulder. See the Call for Papers here .

Call for Submissions: 2019 Morris Judd Prize

Jan. 16, 2019

The 2019 Morris Judd Undergraduate Essay Prize will be awarded to the best undergraduate essay submitted on any topic in the values area. The prize comes with a cash award of $500 as well as formal recognition of the honor at the Department’s spring commencement ceremony. The competition is open...

Joseph Wilson Receives Graduate School Dissertation Award

Jan. 15, 2019

PhD candidate Joseph Wilson has won the Graduate School Dissertation Award for the academic year 2019-2020. The award, one of the Arts and Humanities Dissertation Fellowships , gives the selected student funding and tuition coverage for the academic year in order to enable them to devote themselves to their dissertation.

"Philosophy and Sports" Course Article in Arts and Sciences Magazine

Dec. 11, 2018

The College of Arts and Sciences profiles the new "Philosophy and Sports" course (PHIL 2240), and course creator Alex Wolf-Root , in the current issue of the online Arts and Sciences Magazine .
