Rafael Piestun

  • Professor - Electrical, Computer, and Energy Engineering

Research Interests:

The research in Dr. Piestun's group deals with the control and processing of optical radiation at two significant spatial and temporal scales: the nanometer and the femtosecond. Interest in this area arises from the existence of new phenomena occurring at these scales and the fascinating applications in new devices and systems. Current challenges in sensing, imaging, communications, energy conversion, and computing provide a continuous motivation for this work. Please visit the adjacent links for information on current projects.

Select Publications:

  1. Ginni Grover, Keith DeLuca, Sean Quirin, Jennifer DeLuca, and Rafael Piestun, "Super-resolution photon-efficient imaging by nanometric double-helix point spread function localization of emitters (SPINDLE)",Optics Express, p. 26681, vol. 20, (2012)
  2. Anurag Agrawal, Sean Quirin, Ginni Grover, and Rafael Piestun, "Limits of 3D dipole localization and orientation estimation for single-molecule imaging: towards Green’s tensor engineering", Optics Express, p. 26667, vol. 20, (2012)
  3. Andreas Gahlmann, Jerod Ptacin, Ginni Grover, Sean Quirin, Alexander von Diezmann, , Marissa Lee, Mikael Backlund, Lucy Shapiro, Rafael Piestun, W.E. Moerner, "Quantitative multicolor subdiffraction imaging of bacterial protein ultrastructures in 3D", NanoLetters (2013)
  4. Sean Quirin and Rafael Piestun, "Depth estimation and image recovery using broadband, incoherent illumination with engineered point spread functions [Invited]", Applied Optics, p. A367, vol. 52, (2013)
  5. Donald B. Conkey and Rafael Piestun, "Color image projection through a strongly scattering wall," Optics Express 20, 27312-27318 (2012)
  6. Mikael P. Backlund, Matthew D. Lew, Adam S. Backer, Steffen J. Sahl, Ginni Grover, Anurag Agrawal, Rafael Piestun, and W. E. Moerner, "Simultaneous, accurate measurement of the 3D position and orientation of single molecules", Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), p. 19087, vol. 109, (2012)
  7. S. Quirin, S. R. P. Pavani, and R. Piestun. "Optimal 3D single-molecule localization for superresolution microscopy with aberrations and engineered point spread functions," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) , Published online December 30, 2011
  8. D. B. Conkey, A. M. Caravaca-Aguirre, and R. Piestun, "High-speed scattering medium characterization with application to focusing light through turbid media," Optics Express 20, 1733-1740 (2012)
  9. See also: Spotlight on Optics - Highlighted articles from OSA journals
  10. Anurag Agrawal, Wounjhang Park, and Rafael Piestun, “Negative permeability with arrays of aperiodic silver nanoclusters”, Applied Physics Letters (2012)
  11. T. D. Gerke and R. Piestun, "Aperiodic volume optics," Nature Photonics, 4, 188 - 193 (2010)
  12. See also: Interview - Volume Optics, Nature Photonics 4, 194 (2010)
  13. S. R. P. Pavani, J. G. DeLuca, and R. Piestun, "Polarization sensitive, three-dimensional, single-molecule imaging of cells with a double-helix system," Optics Express 17, 19644-19655 (2009)
  14. S. R. P. Pavani, M. A. Thompson, J. S. Biteen, S. J. Lord, N. Liu, R. J. Twieg, R. Piestun, W. E. Moerner, "Three-Dimensional Single-Molecule Fluorescence Imaging Beyond the Diffraction Limit Using a Double-Helix Point Spread Function," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 106, 2995-2999 (2009)
  15. R. Piestun and C. M. de Sterke, "Fundamental limit for two-dimensional passive devices," Optics Letters 34, 779-781 (2009)
  16. S. R. P. Pavani, A. Greengard, and R. Piestun, "Three-dimensional localization with nanometer accuracy using a detector-limited double-helix point spread function system," Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 95 021103 (2009)
  17. S. R. P. Pavani and R. Piestun, "Three dimensional tracking of fluorescent microparticles using a photon-limited double-helix response system," Optics Express 16, 22048-22057 (2008)