The 18th Annual Hydrologic Sciences Student Symposium

April 11-12, 2024 in SEEC S228 and online.



The 18th Annual Hydrologic Sciences Symposium at CU Boulder was organized by students affiliated with the interdisciplinary Hydrologic Sciences Graduate Program and is open to all aspects of hydrologic sciences; interdisciplinary entries are particularly encouraged (e.g. hydrogeology, hydroecology, aquatic biology, biogeochemistry, environmental and water resource engineering, etc.). 

The symposium provides a great opportunity and friendly setting for students to learn what their fellow students and researchers are doing, both within and outside their sub-discipline. Abstracts are accepted from graduate and undergraduate students, researchers, and faculty at CU Boulder and other colleges and universities as well as Colorado hydroscience researchers from the community and institutions such as USGS, NOAA, or NCAR.

Present Your Research

The Symposium welcomes anyone interested in hydrologic sciences. 

Student abstracts were accepted from February 12 to April 5, 2024. 

Questions? Email us at

Invited Speakers

Keynote Address 

Huilin Gao, Professor, Zachry Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Texas A&M University

Darcy Lecture

Matt Becker, Conrey Chair in Hydrogeology and Professor of Earth Sciences, California State University, Long Beach

Guest Speakers

Tanya Heikkila, CU Denver

Martin Hoerling,  NOAA

Keith Musselman, CU-Boulder

James Rattling Leaf, Sr., RL NC-CASC; CU-Boulder

Andrew Earles, Wright Water Engineers, Inc

2024 Steering Committee

Tina Geller ATOC PhD

Nick Guthro CEAE PhD

Jo Martin GEOL PhD

Chris McNabb GEOG PhD

Parth Modi CEAE PhD

Santiago Ramirez Nuñez CEAE PhD

Prasad Thota CEAE PhD

Holly Barnard Hydrologic Sciences Program Co-director

Mike Gooseff Hydrologic Sciences Program Co-director

Sarah Rogers Hydrologic Sciences Program Coordinator

Hosted by

INSTAAR - Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research 


ATOC - Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

CEAE - Civil, Environmental & Architectural Engineering 

ENVS - Environmental Studies 

GEOG - Geography 

GEOL - Geological Sciences