A Comparison Of Hydrological Flowpaths And Nutrient Export In Three Small Tropical Forest Catchments

Aug. 23, 2018

Hoalst Pullen , Nancy 1 ; Hamann , Hillary B. 2 ; Stallard , Robert F 3 1 Geography, INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder 2 Geography and Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado - Colorado Springs 3 USGS (Boulder, CO); INSTAAR, University of Colorado at Boulder; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute...

Numerical Simulations Of Vortex Stirring Associated With Fertilization Efficiency In Marine Invertebrates

Aug. 23, 2018

Hartford , Jillian R 1 ; Crimaldi , John P 2 1 University of Colorado--Boulder 2 University of Colorado--Boulder Various benthic invertebrates (e.g. sea urchins, anemones, corals) rely on broadcast spawning, a fertilization strategy whereby male and female adults simultaneously release sperm and egg into the surrounding flow [1]. In...

Inverse Modeling Of Soil Hydraulic Properties From Surface Temperature

Aug. 23, 2018

Gutmann , Ethan D 1 ; Small , Eric E 2 1 University of Colorado 2 University of Colorado Soil Hydraulic Properties (SHPs) play an important role in regulating heat and moisture fluxes in land surface models. Currently, SHPs are estimated from soil texture class. However, studies have shown that...

INVITED KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Integration Of Science And Decision Making For Watershed Management: Reducing The Uncertainty Of Key Water Balance Components At The Basin Scale.

Aug. 23, 2018

Goodrich , David C. 1 1 USDA-Agricultural Research Service, Tucson Decision-makers and natural resource managers increasingly require much more sophisticated levels of expert findings and scientific results to make informed decisions. No single scientific discipline is typically capable of providing integrated solution for decision-makers and managers. Significant effort beyond the...

INVITED TALK: Hydroclimatology Of The North American Monsoon: Bound By Terrain But Courted By ENSO?

Aug. 23, 2018

Gochis , David J 1 1 National Center for Atmospheric Research Research into the North American Monsoon reveals a continental-scale climatic system possessing marked intra- and inter-regional variations in hydroclimatology. Some works have elucidated the striking role that regional physiography (e.g. terrain and proximity to water bodies) within the monsoon...

INVITED FACULTY TALK - Earthquake Induced Fluid Flow As Natural Hydrogeologic Tests

Aug. 23, 2018

Ge , Shemin 1 ; Cutillo , Paula 2 1 University of Colorado 2 US National Park Service Hydrogeologic systems are known to respond to earthquakes, manifested by ground water level changes, abnormal temperature and chemical concentrations in ground water. The implication of these phenomena is manifold. This presentation focuses...

INVITED FACULTY TALK - Use Of Shields Stress Regime To Reconstruct And Forecast River Metabolism

Aug. 23, 2018

Cronin , Greg 1 ; McCutchan , James H. 2 ; Lewis , William M. 3 ; Saunders , James F. 4 ; Pitlick , John 5 3 Presenting Author 1 University of Colorado at Denver 2 Center for Limnology, CIRES, University of Colorado at Boulder 3 Department of Ecology...

GIS Methodology For Quantifying Channel Change In Las Vegas, Nevada

Aug. 23, 2018

Buckingham , Susan E 1 ; Whitney , John 2 1 University of Colorado 2 USGS The Las Vegas Wash was a typical desert wash before settlement began in 1905. Upstream population has grown from about 5,000 in 1930 to about 1.6 million in 2004. Concurrent with a growing urban...

INVITED FACULTY TALK: Fine-Scale Soil Variability In Space And Time In Eastern Deciduous Forests Of Upstate NY

Aug. 23, 2018

Beatty , Susan W. 1 1 University of Colorado, Dept. of Geography Common fine-scale disturbances in eastern deciduous forests include treefalls, animal burrows, and effects of invasive species such as earthworms. The remnant effect of treefall disturbance is a microtopography of mounds and pits that comprise up to 60% of...

Wavelet Analysis And Filtering To Identify Principal Directions Of Permeability Anisotropy

Aug. 23, 2018

Watkins , Loring P 1 ; Neupauer , Roseanna M 2 1 University of Colorado at Boulder 2 University of Colorado at Boulder An accurate representation of permeability anisotropy is needed to accurately model the rate and direction of groundwater flow. Wavelet analysis can be used to characterize principal directions...
