LA Awards


Student Leaders of the Year

The CU Boulder Student Leaders of the Year awards are given to participants in campus leadership programs who have demonstrated various qualities. These include academic excellence, exceptional support for and innovation within campus leadership programs, outstanding service to the community, exceptional character and personal resilience and exemplary embodiment of the Colorado Creed. 
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Rain Michael

Rain Michael

Rain was an LA for CE-PSYC 1001 Spring 2021 and Spring 2023, CE-PSYC 3102 Summer 2023, representing the Leadership Studies Minor. "My favorite part of being an LA was definitely developing a better relationship with the professors and a much deeper understanding of the material we covered. The program also drew me to the Leadership Studies Minor, which has led to some of my biggest personal developments. Looking back on my time as an LA, it really feels like learning assistants are in such a malleable position where we simultaneously function as co-educators and co-learners, leaders and followers, and I hope to take a bit of that versatility and flexibility (along with a healthy touch of passion for facilitating learning) wherever I end up next."
Ben O'Meara

Ben O'Meara

Ben was an LA for NRSC 2200 Fall 2022, Spring 2023, Fall 2023, representing the Residence Hall Association. "I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of working with multiple teams to establish a class of engagement, cooperation, and genuine learning. It was rewarding to see the work achieved during returning LA meetings and instructor meetings come to fruition through students in the lab building their confidence and knowledge and taking a step forward to becoming neuroscientists. In these teams, I made some wonderful friendships and connections with people who share a passion for teaching and learning."
Emily Peden

Emily Peden

Emily was an LA for CHEM 1133 Fall 2022 and Spring 2023, LA Mentor Spring 2023, Lead LA Mentor Fall 2023, Spring 2024, representing the LA Program. "Hands down, my favorite part of being an LA was all of the relationships I was able to build throughout my time LAing. It was so rewarding to be able to be a comforting presence in the classroom for many of my students, and get to hear about their aspirations both having to do with schooling, and beyond college. I also really enjoyed getting to know my lead faculty and co-LAs I was able to work with, and hearing about what they were passionate about as well. All of the communication skills I was able to learn and practice as an LA will definitely be taken forward with me into my future- both for my career, and relationships in general. Being an LA requires a lot of effective communication, both with students, so that they can understand the questions you are asking them, as well as with the instructional team you work with, so everyone is adequately prepared to assist the students. I also think LAing has made me a more attentive and proactive student as well. I have less trouble asking for help when I need it, because LAing helped me the be more aware of how much professors, TAs, etc. want to help their students succeed. I hope to be a lifelong learner, and LAing has made me more confident in my abilities to help myself, and others."

Jacob Van Ek Scholarship

The award recognizes exceptional undergraduates who excel in their academics and meaningfully contribute to the University of Colorado Boulder and the community. Faculty mentors nominate applicants on the basis of GPA and students’ depth of service.

Samantha Haygood

Samantha Haygood

Samantha was an LA for ASTR 1000 in Sp2023, LA Mentor Fall 2023 and Spring 2024. "My favorite part of being an LA and LA Mentor was getting the opportunity to connect with a broad range of students and faculty who are all passionate about learning. The leadership skills I've gained in the LA Program will greatly benefit me as I navigate my next career phase!"

College of Engineering and Applied Science Awards

The following College of Engineering and Applied Science awards are presented to graduating students. Some may be awarded annually, others semi-annually, and not all awards are given every year. Students may be nominated by faculty, staff or students.

Research Award

Krista Phommatha

Krista Phommatha

Krista was an LA for PHYS 1120 Spring 2021.
Lauren Serio

Lauren Serio

Lauren was an LA for PHYS 1110 Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, CHEM 1113 Fall 2022.
Aidan Wegner

Aidan Wegner

Aidan was an LA for APPM 1360+1361 Fall 2021.

Leeds Undergraduate Impact Award

Ava Barnett

Ava Barnett

Ava was an LA for BCOR 1030 Spring 2021.

Outstanding Leadership and Community Engagement Graduate

Samantha Lane

Samantha Lane

Samantha was an LA for ATOC 1050 Spring 2021, ATOC 1060 Fall 2021, LA Mentor Spring 2022.

MA+ Outstanding Graduate

Taylor Renquist

Taylor Renquist

LA for MATH 1300 Fall 2021, MATH 2300 Spring 2022, MATH 3120 Fall 2022, MATH 1150 Spring 2023

Math and Science Teacher Outstanding Graduate

Hasan Elsayed

Hasan Elsayed

LA for PHYS 1120 Spring 2022, PHYS 1240 Fall 2022

Fulbright Awards

Megan Thiede

Megan Thiede

LA for ORGN 3025 Spring 2019
Stephanie Virt

Stephanie Virts

LA for CE-ENGL 3026 Fall 2022, ENGL 1700 Fall 2023, CE-ENGL 3026 Spring 2024

CU Physics Award for LA Excellence

John Dirkmaat

John Dirkmaat

John was an LA for PHYS 1110 in Spring 2022 and Fall 2022. PHYS 1120 in Spring 2023, PHYS 2600 in Fall 2023, and PHYS 2210 Spring 2024. John was nominated by Professor Betterton “For outstanding contributions to the Phys 2600 and Phys 2210 teaching teams over the 2023-24 academic year. In both semesters he has really gone above and beyond in helping the students learn, doing extra help session...

University of Colorado Honors Journal

The University of Colorado Honors Journal is an interdisciplinary, student-run journal published annually by the Arts & Sciences Honors Program under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the Director of the Honors Program. The Honors Journal presents a collection of works that reflect the utmost talent, diligence, and creativity among undergraduate students at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Hannah Mesi

Hannah Mesi

LA for PHYS 2010 Spring 2024

Lindsey Trussell

LA for ENGL 4106 Spring 2023, AHUM 1825 Fall 2024 and Fall 2024
Shreya Shrestha

Shreya Shrestha

LA for MCDB 1150/1152 Spring 2021, LA Mentor Fall 2021

Brenna Bythewood

LA for CE-HIST 1011 Fall 2021, HIST 3020 Spring 2022
Harshani Sunil

Harshini Sunil

LA for ASTR 1030 Fall 2020, ASTR 1000 Spring 2021, LA Mentor Fall 2021 - Spring 2023, Lead LA Mentor Fall 2022 - Spring 2023

Eli Harvey

LA for DNCE 2501 Spring 2024

Julia Bickford

LA for PSYC 3684 Fall 2022

Cody Moxam

LA for PSYC 4443 Spring 2023


Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI) Award

This award recognizes undergraduate students who make substantive contributions to JEDI work on- or off-campus.

Kimberly Fung

Kimberly Fung

LA Experience: GEEN 3830, Engineering Analysis & Problem Solving, Fall 2019. "My most memorable moment during my time as an LA for Engineering Math was teaching my students the Unit Circle Table for their math exam. I had learned this technique from my past TA and was so excited to be able to share it with my own students."

Community Impact Award

This award recognizes undergraduate students who contribute to improving their department/program, college, university and/or community.

Kimberly Fung

Kimberly Fung

LA Experience: GEEN 3830, Engineering Analysis & Problem Solving, Fall 2019. "My most memorable moment during my time as an LA for Engineering Math was teaching my students the Unit Circle Table for their math exam. I had learned this technique from my past TA and was so excited to be able to share it with my own students."

University of Colorado Honors Journal

The University of Colorado Honors Journal is an interdisciplinary, student-run journal published annually by the Arts & Sciences Honors Program under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the Director of the Honors Program. The Honors Journal presents a collection of works that reflect the utmost talent, diligence, and creativity among undergraduate students at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Abi Horton

LA Experience: CE-HIST 1011, Greeks, Romans, Kings, and Crusaders, Spring, Summer, and Fall 2022
Grace Leger

Grace Leger

LA Experience: PSYC 3684, Developmental Psychology, Spring 2022. "I would say my favorite part about being an LA is getting to know your faculty members better. You grow amazing relationships with professors and these relationships actually make it really hard to say goodbye after four years."
Jaxon Parker

Jaxon Parker

LA Experience: ENGL 3000, Shakespeare for Nonmajors, Spring and Fall 2020, and Spring 2021. "I loved engaging students in group conversations about their insights on Shakespeare's plays. Making connections between Shakespeare's world and our own is a creative and critical endeavor."

Stephanie Talder

LA Experience: CE-PSYC 1001, General Psychology 1, Spring 2022; CHEM 1113, General Chemistry 1, Fall 2020.
Hannah Wise

Hannah Wise

LA Experience: CHEM 1113, General Chemistry 1, Spring 2023. "Being an LA meant I had the choice to simply be a member on the instructional team, or to be a friend to students as well. My favorite and most meaningful contributions came from when I chose the second option."
Brodie Woodall

Brodie Woodall

LA Experience: NRSC 4072, Clinical Neuroscience, Spring and Fall 2022; CE-WRTG 3020, Narrative and the Self, Summer 2022. "My favorite part of being an LA was having the opportunity to meet so many new people- from other LAs, to the students I worked with, and the professors I LA’d for. I made so many connections that I will hold close long after graduation!"


Lasting Legacy Award

This award is in collaboration with the Senior Class Council, and honors a graduating senior who has left their mark at CU. This person is someone who has demonstrated outstanding leadership on campus, who has spearheaded a cause on campus, and whose impact will be seen for years to come.

Jake Melara

Jake Melara

Jake was an LA for MATH 2510, Introductory Statistics, during Fall 2019 and Fall 2020, and an LA Mentor during Fall 2020. Jake was also awarded a UROP award for his project “Learning Assistants’ Impact on Student’s Academic Mindset” and presented his work at the International Learning Assistant Conference during Fall 2020.

Together We Succeed Award

Through its five core values, Leeds fosters integrity, inclusion, academic excellence, community and forward-looking mindsets in its students. The Together We Succeed Award recognizes one Leeds student who exemplifies Leeds' core principles and high-achieving culture.

 Anant Gupta

Anant Gupta

Anant was an LA for the BCOR 1030 Communication Strategy Course both Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. "My favorite aspect of being an LA is the ability to build one-on-one relationships with the students and be that support the professor cannot always be!"

CU Physics Award for LA Excellence

The Physics Award for LA Excellence honors a Physics LA who has had a positive impact in the classroom through creative teaching methods and a deliberate effort to improve students' academic outcomes.

Brett Schechter

Brett Schechter

Brett was an LA for PHYS 2600 in Spring 2021 and for PHYS 2010 in both Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. "My favorite part of being an LA was being able to have fun, smile, and laugh with students! Physics can admittedly be tough, but creating an environment that students and I wanted to come back to week after week really allowed us all to enjoy physics and keep moving forward."

Environmental Design Esteemed Graduated Award in Landscape Architecture

This honor is conferred upon graduating senior from the Program in Environmental Design who through their design work, character, contributions and efforts, embody the highest ideals celebrated within the ENVD community. Environmental Design faculty nominated and voted for the recipients of this award.

Makenna Karhoff

Makenna Karhoff

Makenna was an LA Spring of 2019 and Spring of 2021 for Intro to Cognitive Psychology (PSYC 2145) and an LA Mentor Spring of 2022. "My favorite part of the LA Program was getting to know other students in a wide variety of disciplines and backgrounds. It was such an inspiring experience to get to be apart of someone else's learning journey and guide them along the way."

Churchill Scholarship

The Churchill Scholarship supports one year of study at Cambridge University, and it is awarded to students who have outstanding academic records, proven talent in research, originality, creativity and “outstanding personal qualities.”

Spencer Hurt

Spencer Hurt

Spencer was a PHYS 2130 (General Physics 3) LA in Fall 2021 and is one of 16 students nationwide to win a Churchill Scholarship. After graduating this spring, he plans to complete his master's degree at the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy. ( full article )

University of Colorado Honors Journal

The University of Colorado Honors Journal is an interdisciplinary, student-run journal published annually by the Arts & Sciences Honors Program under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the Director of the Honors Program. The Honors Journal presents a collection of works that reflect the utmost talent, diligence, and creativity among undergraduate students at the University of Colorado Boulder.


Emily Archambault

LA Experience: CHEM 1113, General Chemistry 1, Spring and Fall of 2021. "My favorite part about being an LA was getting to form connections with students throughout the class, as well as with other LAs, TAs, and professors. It was great being part of such a supportive community and helping others learn chemistry!"

Eleanor Gentry

LA experience: PHYS 1110 Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. "My favorite part of being in the LA program was definitely getting to connect with students on physics concepts outside of the class curriculum to encourage their curiosity. That's what first got me excited about physics, so it's really rewarding to be able to support others in exploring their curiosity for the physical world."
Kenlie Rohrer

Kenlie Rohrer

LA Experience: ENGL 3000 Spring 2020, Fall 2020, and Spring 2021; WRTG 1150 Summer 2021, ENGL 1001 Fall 2021 and LA Mentor Spring 2022. "My favorite thing about being an LA is that I get to meet new people and that I get to spend time learning about things I'm passionate about in new ways." Kenlie received this award in 2021 and 2022.

Carter Witt

LA Experience: PSYC 4553 Spring 2021. "The best part of being involved in the LA program was getting to work with people one on one and seeing them grow in their skills and knowledge throughout the semester!"


University of Colorado Honors Journal

The University of Colorado Honors Journal is an interdisciplinary, student-run journal published annually by the Arts & Sciences Honors Program under the supervision of a faculty advisor and the Director of the Honors Program. The Honors Journal presents a collection of works that reflect the utmost talent, diligence, and creativity among undergraduate students at the University of Colorado Boulder.

Alexander Adler

Alexander Adler

LA Experience: MATH 2400 Spring 2020, PHYS 1120 Fall 2020, and PHYS 2210 Fall 2021 "My favorite moments as an LA are when I can help transform some part of a student's perspective so they can understand the curriculum in a different way. I believe that most of the minds at this university made of clay, for they can be changed and entirely reshaped in the right context. This malleability of the mind is incredibly valuable, dangerous, and impermanent, and I feel a responsibility as an LA to work to positively influence my students. Clay turns into rock and rock just sits."
Caleb Wexler

Caleb Wexler

LA Experience: PHYS 1110 Spring 2017, PHYS 1230 Fall 2017, PHYS 1140 Spring 2018, ENGL 3116 Spring 2020, and ENGL 1001 Fall 2020 "As an LA I had the unique opportunity to reproach material I was already passionate about through the lens of a teacher and the eyes of a beginner, which helped me learn it better and reminded me why I’d fallen in love with it in the first place. I learned that teaching was the antidote to academic burn out, and I realized how much fun teaching can be, especially when I was given opportunities to craft lectures and lead discussions."
Kathryn Halverson

Kathryn Halverson

LA Experience: PSYC 2012 Fall 2018 "They say you learn the best by teaching someone else-- that was certainly the case in my experience as an LA! I learned and retained so much from my one-on-one time with students. It gave me a valuable perspective into the learning process."

Caroline Wiygul

Caroline was an LA for ENVS 1001 in Spring 2020 and has two poetic pieces featured in the 2021 Honors Journal.