Lorem Ipsum - Brendan Lamb


Lorem Ipsum is an audio-visual performance.

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Lorem Ipsum


I have been interested in audio-visual experiences for a while now, especially in the live music setting, so taking a stab at my own seemed to be the best idea. The idea began as a one-man-band improvisation with live-mixed, audio-reactive visuals. This underwent many changes until I simplified it to where it was actually realistic with my timeframe and access to equipment. The biggest change was adding another musician to take some of the pressure off of me to play every instrument. The audio was recorded and mixed in Ableton. I recorded a live drum kit but added tons of effects and processing to transform the sound. The visuals were made After Effects and mixed with Resolume Avenue. I ran into many problems that forced me to change gears and think of new ways how I could achieve what I was trying to do, but I am happy with how it turned out.