Lucas Sawyer - Camera Lucida

Stereoscopic 35mm photographic film, sound ambiences

This project is the culmination of four years of taking stereoscopic portraits. Utilizing modern editing software, the video project provides platform where moving images can be showcased in rapid succession, as well as highlighting the technical capabilities of the n8000.

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Camera Lucida


Aside from being a showcase of the camera and its capabilities, Camera Lucida is the result of combining vintage hardware and modern technology. When the camera was released in the late 80s, one could only view the images in 3D by using a stereoscope, a small viewer that placed one image over each eye, giving the illusion of 3 dimensions. But by using modern editing software, we are able to layer the raw film images on top of each other and create a video file that bounces from left to right, creating a similar effect. The individual images have been placed in a sequence for a more seamless and immersive experience.

Artist Talk