Brother and Sister

"Brother and Sister.” The Juniper Tree, and other Tales from Grimm, Brothers Grimm, translated by Lore Segal, Randall Jarrell, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973, pp. 42-54.

Tale Summary After their mother died and their father was remarried to an evil woman, a brother and sister ran away to find a better life. When they woke up the next morning after a day’s travels, the boy was very thirsty and went with his sister to find a...

Hans my Hedgehog

"Hans my Hedgehog.” The Juniper Tree, and other Tales from Grimm, Brothers Grimm, translated by Lore Segal, Randall Jarrell, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973, pp. 11-22.

Tale Summary There was once upon a time a peasant who wished very badly for a child, so badly he would even be happy with a hedgehog. His wife told him that he had cursed them as she bore a child that was hedgehog above and boy below, who was...

The Three Feathers

"The Three Feathers.” The Juniper Tree, and other Tales from Grimm, Brothers Grimm, translated by Lore Segal, Randall Jarrell, New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1973, pp. 3-10.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a king who grew old and weak and did not know how to divide up his kingdom amongst his three sons. The eldest two were smart, but the youngest did not speak much and so he was called Dumbkin. He told them...

The Queen Bee

“The Queen Bee.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 58-60.

Tale Summary There were once two brothers, sons of a king, who set out into the world to seek their fortunes but fell upon debauchery. Their younger brother, who was a dwarf, went to seek them, but was only laughed at when he found them. Together the three brothers set...

Hans in Luck

“Hans in Luck.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 1-6.

Tale Summary After serving his master for 7 years, Hans asked for his freedom and to be paid his wages, wanting to go back home to see his mother. His master, because Hans was such a good servant, gave him a piece of silver as big as his head. On...

The Six Swans

Brothers Grimm. "The Six Swans." Grimm’s Fairy Tales, illustrated by Walter Crane and E. H. Wehnert, Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & Co., 1896.

Tale Summary There was once a King who met an old woman while lost in the woods. She was a witch and promised to show him the way out as long as he took her daughter for his bride. He had seven children from a previous marriage, six boys and...


“The Goose-Girl.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 151-158.

Tale Summary There was once a beautiful princess who was betrothed to a prince far away. Her mother, the Queen, sent her off with many precious things, and a waiting-maid for company. The princess’s horse was named Falada, and he could talk. Before they left, the Queen gave her daughter...


“Rumpel-Stilts-Kin.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 148-151.

Tale Summary There was once a poor miller who was so proud and vain because of his beautiful daughter that he boasted to the King that she could spin straw into gold. The greedy King demanded she is brought to him, and shut her in a room full of straw,...

The Nose Tree

“The Nose Tree.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 256-264.

Tale Summary Three brothers all camp together, and a small dwarf comes and finds them. As they change watch throughout the night to get enough sleep the dwarf continues to return and grant them each a magical gift. To the first brother, he gives a cloak that grants wishes; to...

“The Bremen Town Musicians” Grimms' Goblins and Wonder Tales: Translated from the German, brothers Grimm, et al., London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1905. pp. 58-63

Tale Summary An ass who can no longer work for his master takes the journey away from his home and to Bremen where he plans to be a town musician. Along the way, he runs into a hound, cat, and cock who all join the ass to be musicians in...
