Dragon with Eight Heads

Yamata No Orochi. Takejiro, Hasegawa. Translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain, Kobunsha, 1886. 

Tale Summary The world was ruled by a fairy who had three children named Susano, Ama, and Moon-boy. Susano was given the sea, Ama was given the sun, and Moon-boy had the moon. However, Susano got tired of living in the cold sea and burst into the sun to see...

The oni submitting to Peach Prince thumbnail

Griffis, William Elliot. "Peach-Prince and the Treasure Island." Japanese Fairy World: Stories from the Wonder-lore of Japan, illustrated by Ozawa Nankoku, Schenectady, NY: James H. Barhyte, 1880, pp. 62-71.

Tale Summary A childless, elderly couple living in the mountains is blessed with a miraculous child. He appears in the form of a peach floating in a stream where the old woman goes to bathe, and turns into a boy just as she brings it home to her husband to...