The Six Swans

Brothers Grimm. "The Six Swans." Grimm’s Fairy Tales, illustrated by Walter Crane and E. H. Wehnert, Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & Co., 1896.

Tale Summary There was once a King who met an old woman while lost in the woods. She was a witch and promised to show him the way out as long as he took her daughter for his bride. He had seven children from a previous marriage, six boys and...

Illustration of the Prince leaning over Sleeping Beauty

Brothers Grimm. "The Sleeping Beauty." Grimm’s Fairy Tales, illustrated by Walter Crane and E. H. Wehnert, Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & Co., 1896.

Tale Summary The story begins with a frog announcing that the king and queen will have a child in a year’s time. After the birth, the king holds a great feast, inviting twelve of the thirteen wise women in his kingdom to gain favor for the child. After eleven of...