The Magic Ring

“The Magic Ring.” The Yellow Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London, New York, Bombay: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906, pp. 178-191.

Tale Summary There was once a youth named Martin, whose poor father died and left him and his mother a measly two hundred florins. They soon ran low on food and Martin went to the village with half the money, but spent it instead on a dog named Schurka who...

The Flying Ship

“The Flying Ship.” The Yellow Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London, New York, Bombay: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906, pp. 198-205.

Tale Summary Once upon a time, a King announced that he would marry his daughter to anyone who could build a flying ship. There were three brothers living in the village, and the eldest two were clever and their mother’s favorites, and they set off right away with her blessing...

The Witch

“The Witch.” The Yellow Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London, New York, Bombay: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906, pp. 216-221.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a set of twins, a boy and a girl, whose father remarried after their mother’s death and had several more children. The stepmother was cruel and decided to send them to a wicked witch in the woods, telling them it was her...

The Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus

“The Story of Big Klaus and Little Klaus.” The Yellow Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London, New York, Bombay: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1906, pp. 225-236.

Tale Summary Once upon a time, there were two people named Klaus in the same village. One had four horses and was called Big Klaus, and the one called Little Klaus had only one. Through the week, Little Kalus had to plough for Big Klaus and lend him his horse,...

The Bear's Husband

"The Bear's Husband.” Folktales of China, Wolfram Eberhard, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965, pp. 68-69.

Tale Summary There was once a youth named Wang P’ing who went off on a trading journey, but there was a horrible storm which drove his ship against a mountain. He was seized by a bear woman and carried off by her, and they became man and wife. She shut...

The Pretty Little Calf

"The Pretty Little Calf.” Folktales of China, Wolfram Eberhard, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965, pp. 41-43.

Tale Summary There was once an official who had three wives but no children although he longed for a son. One day, while leaving for a new post, his eldest wife said that she would offer him gold on his return, the second offered silver, and the youngest wife promised...

The Stolen Charm

"The Stolen Charm.” Japanese fairy tales, Teresa Peirce Williston, Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co, 1904, pp. 42-48.

Tale Summary There was once a little boy who used to play each day by the water with a white Foam Fairy. She told him that she had enjoyed his company, but now, after many weeks, she must return to another land and would miss him. He gave her a...


"Urashima.” Japanese fairy tales, Teresa Peirce Williston, Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co, 1904, pp. 49-55.

Tale Summary There was once a boy named Urashima who loved the sea, and one day while fishing accidentally pulled aboard a wrinkled old turtle instead of a fish. He kindly let the animal go back into the water, and from the spray a beautiful girl rose and stepped onto...


"Shippeitaro.” Japanese fairy tales, Teresa Peirce Williston, Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co, 1904, pp. 65-72.

Tale Summary There was once a man named Brave Soldier, who was on a journey. He found himself in a dense forest during a storm and could not find anywhere to spend the night until he came across an old, worn-down temple. Some time after he had fallen asleep there,...

The Wonderful Teakettle

"The Wonderful Teakettle.” Japanese fairy tales, Teresa Peirce Williston, Chicago: Rand, McNally & Co, 1904, pp. 9-16.

Tale Summary There was once an old priest who was happy to have found a beautiful brass tea kettle for very cheap in a little shop. He brought it home and showed it to his three boys, who were unimpressed. The man told them to focus on their studies in...
