The Master Thief

“The Master Thief” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 121-128.

Tale Summary A poor boy named Will lives with his family. One day he goes into the woods and meets a band of thieves so he asks if he can join them. They give him a task to see if he is worthy: go get a coin purse from the...


“Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp.” Fairy Tales in Easy Words, Springfield, MA: McLoughlin Brothers, Inc., 1923, pp. 67-98.

Tale Summary Aladdin is a young man from a very poor family whose laziness causes his parents great stress. After his father, Mustapha, dies, his mother seeks to provide for her family through her own hard work. One day, a wizard who claims to be Aladdin’s uncle visits Aladdin and...

Emperor's new clothes

“The Emperor’s New Clothes”. Stories from Hans Andersen with Illustrations by Edmund Dulac, Hans Christian Anderson, New York: George H. Doran Company [1923], pp. 204-218.

Tale Summary There was once an Emperor who loved new clothes to the point of excess and spent all of his money and time buying and showing them off. One day, two swindlers come to the town disguised as weavers, and claim to be able to make beautiful garments with...

Red Riding-Hood

“Little Red Riding-Hood.” Old French Fairy Tales, Perrault, Charles, Madame D’aulnoy, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, [1899], pp. 70-75. 

Tale Summary Red Riding-Hood’s mother asks her to go to her grandmother’s with cakes and butter. She must travel through the woods to get there and while on her way she meets a wolf. The wolf has the desire to eat her but is wary of the woodcutters nearby, so...

Dragon with Eight Heads

Yamata No Orochi. Takejiro, Hasegawa. Translated by Basil Hall Chamberlain, Kobunsha, 1886. 

Tale Summary The world was ruled by a fairy who had three children named Susano, Ama, and Moon-boy. Susano was given the sea, Ama was given the sun, and Moon-boy had the moon. However, Susano got tired of living in the cold sea and burst into the sun to see...

The Nose Tree

“The Nose Tree.” German Popular Tales, Vol. 61. Brothers Grimm, edited by Edgar Taylor, London: Chatto and Windus, 1868, pp. 256-264.

Tale Summary Three brothers all camp together, and a small dwarf comes and finds them. As they change watch throughout the night to get enough sleep the dwarf continues to return and grant them each a magical gift. To the first brother, he gives a cloak that grants wishes; to...

The Three Bears

“The Story of the Three Bears.” The Green Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892, pp. 234-237.

Tale Summary There are 3 bears: baby, mama, and papa bear. While the bears are out and an old woman comes and eats all their porridge, sits in their chairs, and sleeps in all their beds. The bears come home and scare her off. Fairy Tale Title The Story of...

Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood. New York, D. Appleton & Co., 1867.

Tale Summary Little Red Riding Hood is sent to her Granny’s house to deliver honey and butter. On her way, she meets a wolf and convinces the hunters in the forest to spare his life. The wolf asks Little Red Riding Hood what she is doing in the forest, and...

The Real Princess

“The Real Princess”. Stories from Hans Andersen with Illustrations by Edmund Dulac, Hans Christian Anderson, New York: George H. Doran Company [1923], pp. 112-113.

Tale Summary There was once a prince who wanted to have his very own real princess. He searches all around the world, meeting many princesses, but with each feels like there is something not quite right about them. He can not figure out if they are real princesses or not...

“The Bremen Town Musicians” Grimms' Goblins and Wonder Tales: Translated from the German, brothers Grimm, et al., London: Frederick Warne and Co., 1905. pp. 58-63

Tale Summary An ass who can no longer work for his master takes the journey away from his home and to Bremen where he plans to be a town musician. Along the way, he runs into a hound, cat, and cock who all join the ass to be musicians in...
