Giovanni Francesco Straparola

An Italian author of short stories and poetry, Giovanni Francesco Straparola is most well-known for his short story collection The Nights of Straparola, also known as The Pleasant Nights, or The Facetious Nights, among which are considered the first (known) printed versions of a number of European fairy tales. Straparola (also known as Zoan/Zuan Francesco Straparola da Caravaggio) was active in the 1500s, and after his birth in Caravaggio, Italy in 1485 possibly lived until 1558, although there is differing information and consensus. Although he remains an enigmatic figure with little information surrounding him to make sense of, his impact on the world of fairy tales remains the most prominent aspect of his legacy. Introducing roughly 20 traditional fairy tales into European literature, the stories we know today first appear in these recognizable forms within The Nights of Straparola.