
"The Birth of Bran." Irish Fairy Tales, Stephens, James, London: Macmillan, 1920, pp. 93-108.

Tale Summary This story begins with a description of Fergus Fionnliath, a man known for hating dogs more than anyone else in Ireland. However, Fionn, whom Fergus is loyal to, has always been a lover of dogs. His two most favorite dogs are Bran and Sceolan, and the rest of...

Fionn and a Horse

"The Boyhood of Fionn." Irish Fairy Tales, Stephens, James, London: Macmillan, 1920, pp. 37-90.

Tale Summary Fionn is the son of Muirne and Uail, the captain of the Fianna of Ireland, While he is young, the sons of Morna kill his father, so his mother hides him with some trusted druids in a forest who take care of him. He meets his mother only...

Wild creatures roamed Ireland

"The Story of Tuan MacCairill." Irish Fairy Tales, Stephens, James, London: Macmillan, 1920, pp. 3-31.

Tale Summary Finnian, the Abbot of Moville, discovers one day that someone in his province still believes in gods, rather than the Christian God. He sets off to change this person’s mind because he finds this appalling. Tuan, the man who believes in gods, does not wish to speak to...