
"Scissors.” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 31-33.

Tale Summary There once lived a cobbler named Tom and his wife, named Joan, who always thought the opposite of him. One day, Joan accidentally knocked over some pots and pans, breaking them all. When Tom rushed in to see what had happened, she grabbed a pair of scissors and...

A Dozen at a Blow

“A Dozen at a Blow.” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 81-89.

Tale Summary There was once a little tailor, who one summer day set aside bread with jam for his lunch. Noticing a number of flies on his lunch, the tailor brought a leather strap down on it, killing twelve instantly. Mighty proud, he stitched a shoulder sash with the words:...

Reynard and Bruin

“Reynard and Bruin.” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 42-50.

Tale Summary Reynard the fox knew that Bruin the bear had a beehive full of honey that he kept a good eye on, and very much wanted some. One day, he told the bear that he had to go to a christening, and once in the woods, ate some of...

The language of animals

“The Language of Animals” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 66-71.

Tale Summary There was once a simple-minded boy named Jack, who was sent off to school for a year by his father in order to learn something. When he returned home, he told his father that he now understands a dog when it barks. His father sends him away again,...

The Master Thief

“The Master Thief” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 121-128.

Tale Summary A poor boy named Will lives with his family. One day he goes into the woods and meets a band of thieves so he asks if he can join them. They give him a task to see if he is worthy: go get a coin purse from the...

The Unseen Bridegroom

“The Unseen Bridegroom.” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 129-141.

Tale Summary Once upon a time, there was a King and Queen who had three daughters, the most beautiful of them all being the youngest, named Anima. It happened that one day the princess found a bush of lovely flowers. When she tried to dig it up, she uncovered a...

Ink illustration of a princess kneeling over a prince who is lying on the ground next to a bush.

“Beauty and the Beast.” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 34-41.

Tale Summary A merchant went on a journey and his three daughters each asked for him to bring back a gift. One daughter asked for a necklace, another a gold chain, and the youngest daughter, named Bella, asked for a rose. The merchant plucked a rose from a garden and...