The thief

“The Thief." The falcon under the hat: Russian merry tales and fairy tales, Selected and translated by Guy Daniels, New York: Funk & Wagnalls; 1969, pp. 56-60.

Tale Summary There was once a boy named Klimka, whose parents decided he should be apprenticed to a master thief. Klimka learned how to seal so well that the only thing he did not know how to do was steal eggs from a magpie’s nest. The master thief told him...

The Master Thief

“The Master Thief” Europa’s Fairy Book, Joseph Jacobs, New York, London: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1916, pp. 121-128.

Tale Summary A poor boy named Will lives with his family. One day he goes into the woods and meets a band of thieves so he asks if he can join them. They give him a task to see if he is worthy: go get a coin purse from the...