Allerleirauh; or, the Many-Furred Creature

“Allerleirauh; or, the Many-Furred Creature.” The Green Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1892, pp. 276-281.

Tale Summary Once upon a time, a king’s beautiful wife was on her deathbed, and had her husband promise not to remarry unless he found someone just as pretty as her, and with such golden hair as she had. No one in the land could match her beauty, until his...

Little Red-Riding-Hood

“Little Red-Riding-Hood.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 134-136.

Tale Summary There was once a pretty little village maiden who was very loved by her mother and her grandmother, who had made for her a little red hood which she wore constantly, earning her the nickname “Little Red-Riding-Hood”. One day, her mother told her that her grandmother was unwell...

Donkey Skin

“Donkey Skin.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 1-15.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a beloved king who had everything his heart could desire, including an ordinary looking donkey which produced bushels of gold pieces from its ears every night. After many years of prosperity, the king suffered the loss of his wife, who begged him...

The Bear

“The Bear.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 56-63.

Tale Summary There was once a beautiful princess who lived locked up by her father, as he feared that something would happen to the daughter he loved so dearly. One day, the girl complained to her nurse, who was a witch and told her to ask her father for a...

Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess

“Prince Hyacinth and the Dear Little Princess.” The Blue Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London and New York: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1889, pp. 12-18.

Tale Summary There was once a king who was deeply in love with a princess, who was under a spell that prevented her from marrying anyone. A fairy told him that whoever was able to step on her cat’s tail would be the one to marry her, so he spent...

The White Wolf

“The White Wolf.” The Grey Fairy Book, edited by Andrew Lang, London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1905, pp. 168-177.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a king who had three daughters, the youngest being the loveliest. One day, he set out for a tour elsewhere in his kingdom, and had promised the girl to bring her back a wreath of wildflowers, but could not find any. On...

Beauty and the Beast

“Beauty and the Beast.” The Book of Fables and Folk Stories, Horace Elisha Scudder, Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1919, pp. 112-126.

Tale Summary There was once a wealthy merchant who had six children, three sons and three daughters, whom he adored. The youngest daughter was called Beauty by all, and she was as good as she was beautiful, but her two older sisters were ill-natured. When they talked of husbands, they...

Little Red-Riding-Hood

“Little Red-Riding-Hood.” The Book of Fables and Folk Stories, Horace Elisha Scudder, Boston: Houghton Mifflin; 1919, pp. 1-4.

Tale Summary There was once a little girl who was well-loved by her mother, and even more by her grandmother, who made her a red cloak that suited the child so well that everyone called her “Little Red-Riding-Hood”. One day, Red-Riding-Hood’s mother gave her a cake and some butter to...

Mr. Fox

“Mr. Fox.” Fairy Gold : A Book of Old English Fairy Tales Chosen by Ernest Rhys, Ernest Rhys, London: J.M. Dent & Co.; New York : E.P. Dutton & co., 1907, pp. 49-50.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a young woman named Lady Mary, who went with her two brothers to one of their country houses. A young man named Mr. Fox often visited with them, whom Lady Mary was quite taken with; he frequently invited her over to his...

Red Riding-Hood

“Little Red Riding-Hood.” Old French Fairy Tales, Perrault, Charles, Madame D’aulnoy, Boston: Little, Brown, and Company, [1899], pp. 70-75. 

Tale Summary Red Riding-Hood’s mother asks her to go to her grandmother’s with cakes and butter. She must travel through the woods to get there and while on her way she meets a wolf. The wolf has the desire to eat her but is wary of the woodcutters nearby, so...
