Toads and Diamonds

“Toads and Diamonds.” The Arthur Rackham fairy book : a book of old favourites with new illustrations, Arthur Rackham, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott., 1933, pp. 196-199.

Tale Summary A woman lived with her two daughters, the eldest of whom was like her in every way, making them both ugly and disagreeable, while the younger was most like her father and was very pleasant and beautiful. The woman favored her eldest daughter and forced the younger to...

The Three Bears

“The Three Bears.” The Arthur Rackham fairy book : a book of old favourites with new illustrations, Arthur Rackham, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott., 1933, pp. 200-205.

Tale Summary There was once a family of bears; a great big bear, a medium-sized bear, and a wee little bear. One morning they left together to take a talk while their porridge cooled down enough to eat, and while they were away from their house an unpleasant old woman...

The Princess and the Pea

“The Princess and the Pea.” The Arthur Rackham fairy book : a book of old favourites with new illustrations, Arthur Rackham, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott., 1933, pp. 140-142.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a young prince who wished he had a princess, but not just any princess; she would have to be a real princess. He traveled everywhere, but could not find one, and returned home dejected. There was a terrible storm one night, and...

Blue Beard

“Blue Beard.” The Arthur Rackham fairy book : a book of old favourites with new illustrations, Arthur Rackham, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott., 1933, pp. 143-152.

Tale Summary There once was a rich man who lived outside Baghdad, who had many riches but also had a blue beard which frightened all the women away. His neighbor had two fine sons and daughters, and he desired one of the girls, named Anne and Fatima, he did not...


“Rapunzel.” The twelve dancing princesses and other fairy tales, edited by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1930, pp. 37-42.

Tale Summary There was once a couple who yearned in vain for a child when at last the woman became pregnant. They lived with a window overlooking a fabulous garden with many rapunzels (which is a lettuce-like vegetable), and the woman began to crave them, although they belonged to an...

The goosegirl

“The Goosegirl.” The twelve dancing princesses and other fairy tales, edited by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, New York: Doubleday, Doran & Company, Inc., 1930, pp. 29-36.

Tale Summary Once upon a time, there lived a princess who was to be married to a prince who lived far away. Before she left, her mother the queen gave her riches, a waiting-maid for company, and three drops of blood on a handkerchief for good luck. The princess set...