Little Red-Riding-Hood

“Little Red-Riding-Hood.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 134-136.

Tale Summary There was once a pretty little village maiden who was very loved by her mother and her grandmother, who had made for her a little red hood which she wore constantly, earning her the nickname “Little Red-Riding-Hood”. One day, her mother told her that her grandmother was unwell...

The Six Swans

“The Six Swans.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 216-221.

Tale Summary There once was a king who became lost in a forest, and was so desperate to find his way home that he made a promise to a witch that he would marry her daughter. The king already had six boys and a girl from a previous marriage, and...

The Iron Stove

“The Iron Stove.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 120-126.

Tale Summary One day, a king’s daughter became lost in a wood, and found an iron stove which contained a prince who was enchanted by an old witch and was condemned to spend his life there. The princess heard a voice come from the stove which promised to guide her...

Snow-white and Rose-red

“Snow-white and Rose-red.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 101-108.

Tale Summary There was once a poor widow, who had two lovely daughters named Snow-white and Rose-red. Snow-white was the quieter and gentler of the two, while Rose-red was more adventurous. They lived together in a little cottage where there were two rose trees out front, one white and the...

Brother and Sister

“Brother and Sister.” The Fairy Book, Dinah Maria Mulock, New York: Mayflower Books, 1979, pp. 127-133.

Tale Summary One day, after being treated wickedly by their stepmother, a brother and sister ran away together to start a better life. They ran the whole day and fell asleep in a hollow tree, exhausted from their travels. The next day was very hot and the brother dragged his...

Donkey Skin

“Donkey Skin.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 1-15.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a beloved king who had everything his heart could desire, including an ordinary looking donkey which produced bushels of gold pieces from its ears every night. After many years of prosperity, the king suffered the loss of his wife, who begged him...


“Bobino.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 64-71.

Tale Summary There was once a boy named Bobino, who was the only son of a rich merchant, and had arrived home after being sent to study with a master to learn all sorts of foreign languages. He walked one evening in the garden with his father, when the sparrows...

The White Doe

“The White Doe.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 166-189.

Tale Summary There was once a king and queen who wished dearly for a child, and one day while the woman was sitting alone by the side of a waterfall a crab began to speak and told her that her wish would be granted. The queen consented to be led...

The Sprig of Rosemary

“The Sprig of Rosemary.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 107-113.

Tale Summary Once upon a time there was a girl whose father made her work hard every day, and one morning she was sent out to collect firewood. After she had made a large bundle, she stopped to pick a sprig of rosemary for herself, but it would not budge...

The Bear

“The Bear.” Rose Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, New York: Longmans, Green, 1948, pp. 56-63.

Tale Summary There was once a beautiful princess who lived locked up by her father, as he feared that something would happen to the daughter he loved so dearly. One day, the girl complained to her nurse, who was a witch and told her to ask her father for a...
