CU Boulder On-Campus Resources

There are a variety of on-campus resources that can help you navigate the graduate school exploration and preparation process.

Career Services can help with the graduate school application process! You can meet with a Career Development Advisor for help with your resume/CV/cover letter, to practice interviewing skills through a mock interview, and for help with navigating the graduate school application process. You can find instructions for scheduling an appointment on their website. Also make sure to check out their advice with resumes and CVs!

Faculty members and graduate students are one of the best resources for guidance through the graduate school process. Think about some of the instructors and TA's you've have in past classes. They've all been through the graduate school application process at some point in their lives! Don't hesitate to reach out to them with questions or to request a meeting to chat about graduate school. Faculty and graduate students are often eager to offer their advice and mentorship.

PASTA is a group of clinical psychology graduate students who offer resources and mentorship for undergraduate students interested in applying to graduate school! Are you trying to decide if graduate school is right for you? Have you decided to apply and would like some feedback on your CV? Or do you have questions about psychology graduate school in general? You can use this link to sign up for an individual grad school support meeting.