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February 28 - March 4, 2022: Drs. Thomas Philip and Michael Chang Visit iSAT!

March 4, 2022

Our UC Berkeley researchers, Drs. Thomas Philip and Michael Chang, flew into Boulder to present at this week's Institute of Cognitive Science colloquium! Their talk, titled Learning as Entwined with Ideologies: Theoretical, Methodological, and Pedagogical Possibilities and Implications, explored how ideologies, particularly racial ideologies, are intertwined with learning. Their talk...

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February 7 - 11, 2022: Congrats, iSAT Trainee Grant winners!

Feb. 11, 2022

This week we announced the winners of our iSAT Trainee Grants! A big congratulations to Ananya Ganesh, Kaleb Bishop, Layne Jackson Hubbard, and Srinjita Bhaduri!

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January 31 - February 4, 2022: Just the Facts

Feb. 4, 2022

iSAT is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Check out this NSF fact sheet to see how they've funded various Colorado institutions and innovative AI projects.

DPS students working on the sensor immersion unit.

January 18 - 21, 2022: iSAT Featured in Denver Public Schools Video!

Jan. 21, 2022

iSAT's work with Denver Public Schools middle school students and teachers was featured in this awesome video !

Collage of iSAT's trainees

January 10 - 14, 2022: iSAT Student Forum

Jan. 14, 2022

The iSAT Student Forum—a professional development program designed to help prepare our students for future opportunities across interdisciplinary fields including artificial intelligence, collaborative problem solving, learning sciences, and more—has taken on the work of fleshing out the metaphors for our AI Partner this week!

ResRearch particpants engaging in a collaborative task in  the iSAT Lab.

Exploring Collaboration Dynamics - Strand 2

Jan. 5, 2022

A big part of iSAT’s mission is to create an AI Partner who helps teachers facilitate collaborative and equitable learning outcomes for small groups in the classroom. This quarter, the team science and human-computer interaction experts in Strand 2 have made important progress in understanding the framework needed to help...

Schematic of iSAT’s Technical Architecture.

Building the (Technical) System

Jan. 5, 2022

Build the System is a new cross-strand group focused on designing the software components and architecture for the AI Partner. The group convened over the fall to identify and design individual software components (e.g., Speech Recognition, Diarization, Automated Tagging) and the technical infrastructure that will enable the different components to...

A graphic showing the AI capabilities of Strand 1

Redefining Classroom AI Capabilities: Strand 1

Jan. 4, 2022

We last left our intrepid Strand 1 researchers on the precipice of the incoming classroom data from our cross-strand data collection team. As this new data comes in, the Strand 1 team spent the quarter facing a new challenge—how exactly will we use this data to define the capabilities of...

Middle school students work on sensor immersion.

iSAT Ventures into Classrooms

Jan. 4, 2022

During our summer, we formed our cross-strand Fall 2021 Data Collection team to begin the all-important task of going into real K–12 classrooms to support teachers implementing our Curriculum Units and collect the data we need to develop our AI Partner. This fall, with the help of 24 volunteers, researchers,...

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January 3 - 7, 2022: Hot off the presses—iSAT's Fall 2021 Newsletter!

Jan. 3, 2022

Check out our fall newsletter to learn what our three research strands have been up to; how we're building our technical infrastructure; and how are researchers are collecting data from middle school classrooms across two school districts.
