Anabelle Brown


As an International Affairs and Linguistics major, I believe that the Studio Lab program would be an incredible opportunity to further my education and exploration in these areas. I am interested in pursuing a career in research. Specifically, I am interested in researching protest and the role that language and communication play in social movements around the world. Through this program, I hope to work with faculty mentors who can provide me with the necessary tools and resources to conduct meaningful research and make a positive impact in my future career.

In addition, I am passionate about the goals of the Studio Lab program to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in educating the next generation. My life experiences and prior work align closely with these goals, as I have actively worked to promote these values throughout my academic and personal pursuits. As a member of various student organizations and advocacy groups, I have advocated for greater representation and inclusivity in both education and society. I am very interested in researching the changing mobilization patterns of social movements and also more specifically, how language changes along with social movements. I am hoping to gain insight into different research methods and different forms of data analysis.