Chloe Circenis


The opportunity to work in close proximity with faculty members in a lab context will allow me to professionalize my education through various networking opportunities, experience in data collection and analysis, and an expanded field of exposure to different research being conducted. In particular, a larger field of exposure to different work being done in labs will allow me to narrow the scope of my studies and inspire ideas for the honors or masters thesis I aim to complete within the next few years. Following my BA I will pursue my masters in Linguistics and work to contribute research to the field of cognitive psycho-linguistics. Being part of the Studio Lab program during my undergraduate will enrich my research though a deeper understanding of lab processes while also giving direction to my own future research. 

I have conducted small scale replications of linguistic experiments and intend to complete a summer assistantship in the Language, Development, and Cognition Lab (LDC Lab). My previous and upcoming experience would make me a uniquely qualified undergraduate within the Studio Lab program. Additionally, as a multilingual third generation American woman, my Latvian heritage and the cross cultural experiences I have had while learning Spanish, Hindi/Urdu, and Arabic would contribute to the diverse nature of the program. I am currently studying Latvian with the intention of further embracing my ethnic background and enjoy encouraging others to connect to their own roots and cultures.