Welcome to CU Boulder's Quality Assurance / Quality Improvement webpage, a tool to provide support and services to the CU research community to assist with regulatory compliance.
Best Practice Reviews for investigators who conduct human research and are looking for helpful, productive feedback on the administrative/management side of their research protocols.
Provide general guidance or study specific services at the start-up of a study or throughout the lifetime of a project. These services include (but aren't limited to) IRB submissions assistance, external audit preparation, study management tools, and best practice reviews as mentioned above. Inquire with the QA/QI office if any of these services interest you.
Conduct routine on-site reviews/assessments of the following:
Investigate allegations and findings of continuous and serious noncompliance, as well as research misconduct by employing for-cause reviews of active research protocols, then reporting to and working with institutional officials to propose and implement corrective actions.
Conduct administrative audits of IRB, OEC, COI, and IACUC offices to ensure their practices and implementation of SOPs and federal regulations are being executed properly.