Sarah Gonzalez Coffin

  • Graduate Student in Social Psychology

Office: Muenzinger D350 

Mentor:  Dr. Leaf Van Boven

BA, Psychology, California State University, Monterey Bay, 2017
MA, Social Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder, expected 2023
PhD, Social Psychology, University of Colorado Boulder, expected 2026

Research Interests
My work in social/eco-psychology focuses broadly on the human dimensions of the climate crisis. More specifically, I study how perceptions of naturalness, risk, and familiarity shape public decisions to endorse sustainable technologies that are designed to mitigate and adapt to the climate crisis. Ultimately, my work seeks to inform policy-makers, innovators, communicators, and stakeholders about how people make decisions about climate change solutions and what drives psychological barriers to solution support.  

Publications and Presentations 
Unfried, A., Kirby, A., & Coffin, S. (2018, April). Developing a student survey of motivational attitudes toward statistics [Conference paper presentation]. Joint Statistical Meeting Conference 2018, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.