
The Racial/Ethnic Inequalities Research Awards - Summer 2021

April 23, 2021

The Racial/Ethnic Inequalities Research Awards support graduate students of color as well as graduate student research on race/ethnicity. For summer 2021, we are able to fund seven exciting research projects. The award winners and their project titles are: Jose Sanchez and Jen Tostlebe : "Where colors collide: Does race moderate...

Melissa V

Melissa Villareal received the ASA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG)

April 15, 2021

Melissa received the ASA Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant (DDRIG) for her dissertation project, “Documenting the Undocumented: How Mexican Immigrants Navigate Long-Term Post-Disaster Recovery.” She was selected to receive funding in the amount of $14,157 to cover research costs related to her dissertation, including research equipment, participant incentives, and the...


Lori Peek and NHC Received Donation to Establish New Award

Feb. 10, 2021

Lori Peek and the Natural Hazards Center received a $30,000 gift from an anonymous donor to establish a new Disability and Disasters Award for the hazards and disaster research and practice community. This award will bring those who care for, study, or advocate on behalf of those with disabilities to...


Our grad students are up to big things! Check out some recent accomplishments

Jan. 5, 2021

Dan Simon received a Graduate Student Award ($1,000) from CARTSS in support of his dissertation research. Cograts Dan! Melissa Villarreal and Bertha Bermudez Tapia received 2021 Beverly Sears Graduate Student Grant awards! Congratulations Melissa and Bertha!! Hillary Steinberg completed the Certificate in College Teaching through the Center for Teaching and...

Melissa V

Melissa Villarreal is author of a recent blogpost for Emerald Publishing

Sept. 27, 2020

Melissa Villarreal is author of a recent blogpost for Emerald Publishing entitled “ The Impact of the Bill Anderson Fund for Students of Colour and Marginalised Communities .” Melissa is a Sociology Ph.D. student, research assistant at the Natural Hazards Center, and Bill Anderson Fund fellow.