Each year the Boulder Campus Staff Council has the honor of recognizing university staff and classified staff for their University of Colorado staff years of service. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions around our years of service recognition:

How is service length determined? What counts toward the total years of service?
  • Eligibility criteria includes: any service time for university staff, classified staff, temporary classified and university staff, and student hourly employment including student faculty. Service at all four campuses is included in the total years of service calculation, not just time at CU Boulder.  Any paid leave is eligible service time. 
  • Eligibility criteria does not include: annuitants, Move Colorado, faculty, pre-docs/student stipends, working retirees, and fellows. Any unpaid leave is ineligible service time.
How do you find out how long I've been at CU?

To find out how long you've been at CU, contact your HR liaison or Employee Services.

I worked at CU for 2 years, left, then came back and have been here 13 years. Do I get recognized?

Your years of service time is calculated based on the months of paid service time you've completed. If these months add up to equal 15 years, you will be recognized.

What happens if I switch campuses? Are the years combined?

Yes, the years are combined.

I didn't get my certificate, what do I do?

If you are looking for your certificate from this year, please check your UCB box. The certificates were sent to the UCB that Employee Services has for you. If you have changed appointments since working at CU, there's a possibility that yours was sent to your former UCB if it was not properly updated. If you still cannot locate your certificate, please fill out this form. If you are missing a past certificate, we are able to reprint that for you. Due to bandwidth, we are only able to print your last milestone certificate

How often do employees get recognized?

We recognize employees in five year milestone increments (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.).

Who receives years of service recognition?

We recognize staff based on milestone achievements (5 years, 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, etc.) with certificates. Staff who hit a milestone 15 or greater are also invited to a recognition ceremony with the Chancellor.

If I'm not able to attend the ceremony, how do I get my recognition pin (15, 20, 25, etc.)?

Reach out to Staff Council at staffcouncil@colorado.edu, to schedule a time to pick it up from the Staff Council office.

If I was on furlough in 2020, would that timeframe still count towards my years of service?

Yes, any furlough period (continuous or periodic) will count towards your total years of service. For additional questions on how furloughs are calculated into the years of service please contact staffcouncil@colorado.edu.