Coloring Pencils

CU Colors

June 22, 2020

Color your cares away with these coloring sheets from Staff Council!

Scavenger Hunt Icon

Summertime Scavenger Hunt - Let’s Explore Colorado!

June 22, 2020

Summertime is here and it’s the perfect time to jump on your bike or take a ride in the car. Here are some Colorado things to look for when you’re out and about (while maintaining appropriate social distancing).

Thank You Staff

Staff Council Wants to Thank You

June 22, 2020

CU Staff Council wants to thank you for your hard work with a special video message.

Officers Clipart

Meet Your 2020-2021 Staff Council Officers

May 19, 2020

Staff Council is pleased to present to you the new officers serving the 2020-2021 term.

Work from home clipart

Speaker Series: Flexible Work Arrangements (2nd Offering)

Due to the overwhelming attendance at our first Flexible Work Arrangements Speaker Series, we have decided to offer it a second time on February 13th in the CASE auditorium for those who were unable to attend. Zoom will be available if you RSVP.

Staff Council Speaker Series Icon

Speaker Series: Make a Difference on Staff Council

Jan. 29, 2020

Join us on February 13th for a talk and Q&A session about how you as a staff member can be more involved on campus by joining Staff Council. We’ll discuss what it means to serve, how you join, and what types of work you can do to make a difference on campus. All staff invited to attend.

Be Boulder SC Logo

President Mark Kennedy Presents Strategic Plan to Boulder Staff Council

Jan. 29, 2020

On January 22nd President Kennedy met with Boulder Staff Council to discuss the University’s Strategic Plan. Learn more about the plan, Staff Council’s feedback for President Kennedy, and how you as a CU staff member can get involved. Feedback is currently being solicited for all aspects of the plan.

Corey Edwards

Staff Perspective and The CU Presidential Search

Feb. 8, 2019

Please join Staff Council and the staff representative for the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, Corey Edwards, who will be speaking to the Boulder campus staff on Wednesday, Feb. 13. Find out where the university currently stands with the presidential search and have your voice heard.

parent child gold

Staff Council Endorses Paid Parental Leave; Administration Commits to New Benefit

April 12, 2018

Parent child gold

Staff Council Endorses Paid Parental Leave White Paper

April 11, 2018

At the March 2018 meeting, Boulder Campus Staff Council (BCSC) endorsed the Paid Parental Leave White Paper submitted by University of Colorado Staff Council (UCSC). Boulder Staff Council has closely monitored and advocated for this issue for some time. UCSC, comprised of representatives from the staff councils on each of...
