5: Outstanding

Far exceeds performance expectations on a consistent and uniform basis. Work is of exceptional quality in all essential areas of responsibility. In addition, makes an exceptional or unique contribution in achievement of unit, department, and University objectives.

  • This rating would include all aspects of the level 4 rating plus a unique contribution to the unit or department. 
  • Specifics examples should be given to illustrate how the employee provided an exceptional or unique contribution. 

4: Exceeding expectations

Always achieves performance expectations and frequently exceeds them. Demonstrates performance of a very high level of quality in all areas of responsibility.

  • This rating would include all aspects of the level 3 rating plus frequently exhibiting performance that exceeds expectations of the role. This could look like initiative in taking on additional responsibilities, creating new processes to improve efficiency and/or looking at ways to improve outcomes and delivering results that are above and beyond what was asked for and expected. 
  • In order to receive a level 4 rating, clear examples should be given that show how the employee has consistently gone above and beyond what is expected of them.
  • This type of employee is seen as a leader on the team and because of that is often given more responsibility because of their known ability to provide proven results.

3: Meeting expectations

Consistently fulfills performance expectations and periodically may exceed them. Work is of high quality in all significant areas of responsibility.

  • Employees can complete the role with little to no oversight from their supervisor. 
  • All essential functions and competencies required to do the job are done well and consistently and occasionally also exceed expectations.
  • The focus of any coaching is on developing the employee to expand within the current role and/or begin to prepare them for a future role. 
  • Employees who complete tasks on time, are engaged in the work and collaborative with the team, if concerns/ issues are brought to the manager, solutions are also brought forth. 

2: Below Expectations    

Fails to meet expectations in one or two of the significant/ essential position requirements and improvement is needed in these areas.

  • An employee who is currently receiving coaching because of any performance documentation such as a letter of expectation or letter of reprimand. 
  • An employee receiving coaching due to the same performance or behavior concerns that has arisen more than two times throughout the cycle.
  • Consistently does not meet expectations in at least one or two areas of the role.

1: Fails to Meet Expectations

Fails to meet expectations in more than two of the significant/ essential position requirements and improvement is needed in most aspects of position

  • Performance was consistently below expectations and reasonable progress towards critical goals was not made. 
  • Significant improvement is needed or termination will occur.