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BuffsUnited to host teach-in on engaged citizenship Feb. 14

Engaged Citizenship: A BuffsUnited Event
On Tuesday, Feb. 14, BuffsUnited, a partnership of students, faculty and staff, will host Engaged Citizenship: A Teach-In, where faculty from across the campus will speak on a variety of issues including immigration law, free speech, government speech, the responsibility of the media, historical and contemporary racism, and environmental protections.

“As unprecedented political events shake the nation, it is highly important that people come together to learn from and engage with one another in civil and candid discussion about the state of American society,” said Associate Professor Timothy Weston, an event organizer and member of the Department of History.

The event will feature two round-table discussions. The first session, from 11 a.m. to 12:15 p.m., will focus on issues of public discourse and social polarization, and the second, from 12:30 to 1:45 p.m., will focus on expertise, truth and engagement. Each discussion will be followed by a Q&A session. The complete list of topics and speakers can be found below.

If you go
Who: Open to the public
What: Engaged Citizenship: A Teach-In
When: Tuesday, Feb. 14, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Where: University Memorial Center, West Ballroom

“The teach-in on engaged citizenship is intended to foster constructive dialogue about some of the momentous issues before the country and to encourage students and members of the community at large to become informed and active citizens at the local, state, national and global levels,” said Weston.

Engaged Citizenship is the second event hosted by the Buffs United group, which formed in December 2016 to promote the values of the Colorado Creed and build a more inclusive campus community.

The event is free and open to the public and will be held in the UMC West Ballroom. For more information, contact

Follow BuffsUnited on Facebook and Twitter for information on other upcoming events.

Roundtable I: Public Discourse and Social Polarization

"Threatening Others: From Japanese Americans to Muslims"
Daryl Maeda, Associate Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies

"Immigration Law under the New Administration"
Violeta Chapin, Associate Clinical Professor of Law

"Defending Democracy in the Face of Fascism: What Hitler’s Germany Can Teach Us about Preventing Domestic Fascism in this Country"
David Shneer, Louis P. Singer Endowed Chair in Jewish History

"The Long Post Factual: Race and Rationality in a Liberal Democracy"
Kwame Holmes, Assistant Professor, Department of Ethnic Studies

"When Environmental Protections Were Not Polarizing"
Phaedra Pezzullo, Associate Professor, Department of Communication

"The Media’s Responsibility in the Age of Trump"
Elizabeth Skewes, Associate Professor, Journalism and Media Studies

Roundtable II: Expertise, Truth and Engagement

"Environmental Protection and Alternative Facts"
Sarah Krakoff, Professor of Law, Wolf-Nichol Fellowship

"Presentative Democracy: Lifelong Revolution Song, a Big Project and Pokemon Go!"
Matt Nicodemus, Rocky Mountain Peace and Justice Center

"The Putin Model of Freedom of Speech"
Mark Leiderman (Lipovetsky), Chair, Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures

"Government Speech and Government Lies"
Helen Norton, Professor and Ira C. Rothgerber, Jr. Chair in Constitutional Law


updated Feb. 13, 2017