DevinWhether you’re in your first year or final year at CU Boulder, it’s never too late to get involved with something new. Getting involved with new opportunities can help you make new friends, grow your professional network and feel more comfortable on campus. 

I recently connected with Sophia Stadler, a second-year student studying ecology and evolutionary biology, Emily Reynolds, a senior studying anthropology and linguistics with a Spanish minor and writing certificate, Seth Wells, a senior studying ecology and evolutionary biology and anthropology with a classics minor, Vaishnavi (Vee) Prabu, a first-year full-time MBA student at Leeds School of Business, and Bodhi Rubinstein, a first-year student studying chemical and biological engineering, to talk about campus involvement. We discussed how they are involved on campus, challenges they experienced and advice for other students. 

Here are some takeaways from our conversation and resources to help you find your place on campus.