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16 students honored as Student Leaders of the Year

Sydney Armstrong Headshot

The Center for Leadership is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023-2024 Student Leaders of the Year Award. This program aims to showcase the impact of leadership education at CU Boulder by recognizing exceptional student leaders. All the awardees will be acknowledged at the Spring Leadership Summit on March 4th, 2024.

The CU Boulder Student Leaders of the Year awards are given to participants in campus leadership programs who have demonstrated the following qualities:

  • Academic excellence and curiosity
  • Exceptional support for and innovation within campus leadership programs
  • Outstanding service to the community, either on campus or in the Boulder metro area
  • Exceptional character and personal resilience
  • Exemplary embodiment of the Colorado Creed

We extend our warmest congratulations to the awardees for their achievements. We are proud to highlight their contributions to their respective communities and the University of Colorado Boulder.


Sydney Armstrong | CU GOLD

Sydney is a student in the CU GOLD Program who is pursuing a degree in Integrative Physiology. Her work ethic is centered on making impactful change, practicing inclusive leadership and building authentic relationships. As the program's first Assistant Director, Sydney oversees administrative duties, communication and large-scale planning. This year, she played a pivotal role in the program's success, contributing to a dynamic engagement with the Stampede Leadership Camp for the third year in a row, increasing interests to the CU GOLD Core Leadership and Applied Leadership programs to an all-time high (300+ interests), and delivering a presentation at the Ignite Social Justice and Leadership Conference on how to be an effective role model. Sydney values a collective voice to find solutions and outcomes in an agreeable and open-minded manner. She is described as leading with vulnerability, resiliency and passion, and living a life dedicated to the care of others and herself.


Kaela Gero| Leeds Scholars Program

Kaela is a fourth-year student in the Leeds Scholars Program at CU Boulder. She is studying Business Administration with a focus on Finance and Business Analytics. Kaela's hard work and dedication towards both academics and community have resulted in her success across multiple areas. She has achieved exemplary grades while taking an honors-level course load. She has also held leadership positions across several organizations, completed prestigious internships, volunteered, and gained experiential learning that helped expand her global mindset. Kaela is an inclusive person who listens to others and ensures that those around her find a general sense of happiness and belonging. Her ability to see an issue and find creative solutions that bring people together is admirable. Kaela is a tutor through the Pick a Peer tutoring program and was recently recognized for her dedication and commitment to her work. Kaela is also deeply involved in mentorship and is looked up to as a leader by many students. She is a devoted member of the CU Boulder community with an incredible strength in instilling confidence in those that she mentors and tutors.


Bianca Rubini-Tapernoux | Conference On World Affairs

Bianca is currently serving in leadership roles on both the CWA programming committee for April 2024 and a CWA visioning taskforce. She is studying Marketing with a minor in Political Science and International Affairs. Bianca has excellent listening, communication, and collaboration skills, which she has demonstrated while working with a diverse mix of campus and community stakeholders. As the chair of the CWA business committee, Bianca leads a team of students and community members in creating business-centric programming for the upcoming April 2024 conference, including panel development, speaker recruitment, and content/logistics. Bianca consistently demonstrates academic excellence and curiosity, exceptional service to campus and community, exemplary character, and embodies the values of our campus Colorado Creed. Bianca has also made significant contributions to the University of Colorado as a Distinguished Speaker Ambassador, her involvement in projects such as the "Outdoor Access for All” Outreach Project and the joint project with Showa Women's University demonstrates her commitment to addressing social issues and fostering cross-cultural communication. Furthermore, Bianca’s participation in the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative's Ethics of Service Learning Cohort highlights her dedication to ethical leadership and social responsibility.


Samantha Lipka | Scripps Athletic Leadership Program

Samantha is pursuing a major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. She is also a member of the CU women's lacrosse team and the Scripps Athletic Leadership Program. Samantha's leadership abilities are evident in her willingness to step out of her comfort zone and grow. She possesses a humble confidence that puts others at ease, and her empathic nature makes her approachable to those around her. As a team player, Samantha leads by example both on and off the field. She believes a good leader should have a growth mindset and understand themselves before leading others. Her values and open-mindedness have allowed her to be an excellent leader on her team and in the department. She has earned the trust of those around her and serves as an advocate for her team. Samantha goes above and beyond expectations, advocating for student-athletes' resources to succeed holistically in all areas of their lives. She is highly respected by coaches, support staff, managers, strength coaches, and everyone who comes into contact with her. Samantha is passionate about mental health and has been involved in several initiatives to raise awareness and funds for Morgan's Message, a non-profit organization advocating for student-athletes' mental health. Samantha Lipka's engagement has greatly benefitted CU, the athletic department, and the Boulder community.


Percy Smith | Engineering Leadership Program (ENLP)

Percy is a student in the Engineering Leadership Program and is pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. He has demonstrated an unwavering sense of patience, resilience, and an unyielding commitment to excellence. Percy also possesses remarkable tolerance and informed awareness in the field of engineering. Percy’s contributions as a Quantum Scholars Fellow, an Engineering Leadership Fellow, an Engineering Ethics & Society Fellow, and his active involvement with Out Boulder County, as well as his work with CU’s BOLD Center and Boulder oSTEM, showcase an extraordinary range of commitment from this dedicated learner and leader. Percy is known to combine theoretical insights, clear argumentation, and compelling anecdotes and examples in class discussions, which makes him particularly effective. He is also known to help his fellow students see things from a different perspective. Unlike many young people who tend to default to outrage at the slightest forms of disagreement, Percy moves in the opposite direction, showing intellectual charity even towards views that differ from his own. This kind of intellectual tolerance is rare and commendable.


Angela Peña de Niz | Presidents Leadership Class

Angela is a senior studying Political Science and Spanish Language and Literature. She is also a member of the Presidents Leadership Class (PLC) serving on the Bridge Team (PLC student staff) for three years and on the Leading EDGE Council for two years. Angela is a driven student who strives to serve others, represent her different communities, and work hard to represent her Hispanic heritage on campus. Angela has demonstrated patience, flexibility, adaptability, and perseverance that are uncommon among her undergraduate peers. Not only has she taken an active role in increasing diversity and inclusivity measures within the PLC program, but she has helped promote inclusivity, collaboration, and equity of access between PLC and all other organizations on campus. Angela strongly advocates for herself and her communities. She represents the best version of a CU undergraduate through determination, grace, and personal constitution. Angela is not someone who speaks the loudest in a crowd or commands undue attention. Instead, she makes space for others to speak and express themselves. Angela is a growing student leader consistently working to increase her capabilities so that one day, she can lead her  community through policy, activism, engagement, and empowerment.


Rumi Natanzi | Leadership and Community Engagement Major and INVST Community Studies

Rumi is a fourth-year student who is studying Leadership and Community Engagement along with Ethnic Studies, and has a minor in Geography. She is a former student of the INVST Community Studies program, reflecting her thirst for knowledge and dedication to leading skillfully both on and off-campus. Rumi is willing to be pushed past her own assumptions to grow her skill set and become more brave, articulate, well-read, confident, and capable as a scholar. She has an unquenchable curiosity and growth mindset. Rumi co-founded the advocacy group, Boulder4Iran, which has organized panel discussions, meetings with all of Colorado's elected members of Congress, created art installations, shared foods from Iran in a back-to-school celebration for Iranian students, staff, faculty, and their families, and hosted documentary film screenings and had two conversations with a Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Rumi's commitments to housing equity, gender rights, and struggles for human rights are deeply inspirational. Rumi is an unusually gifted and accomplished student and leader whose work is grounded in a strong commitment to human rights and international efforts to bring about justice. She is someone who is always growing and pushing herself while being incredibly self-reflective about her own strengths and areas for growth. Not only is Rumi's leadership and activism inspiring, but she is paving the way for current and future generations to stand up for human rights without fear or hesitation. She cares tremendously for those around her and treats everyone with respect and integrity while still challenging them to become more aware of how they engage with the world around them.


Colin Hayes | Naval ROTC

Colin is a senior who is currently studying Astronomy. He also served as the Executive Officer (2nd in Command) for a group of 52 future Naval Officers at the CU NROTC Battalion. As a student instructor, MIDN Hayes collaborates with the Active Duty staff and his peers to create and implement new standards and procedures for training. Additionally, he introduced a new turnover process to ensure continuity between semesters. MIDN Hayes has impressive presentation skills, which are on par with seasoned Junior Officers already serving in the Naval and Marine Corps. He is the NROTC Student Liaison with the CFL and has played a critical role in fostering integration with various University events. By all accounts, Colin exemplifies the Colorado Creed's mission: integrity, respect, and generosity. He holds himself to high standards of mental, moral, and physical excellence and uses his past experiences to enhance his decision-making and leadership skills. Colin consults other members of the institution and readily chases productive feedback from his peers. Most remarkably, he learns from his past without allowing mistakes to hinder his creative intuition and problem-solving. Colin places outreach and resourcefulness as main priorities in his leadership style, resulting in an undeniable trust between him and his peers.


Emily Peden | Learning Assistant Program

Emily is a student in the Learning Assistant (LA) program at CU Boulder, studying Molecular, Cellular, Developmental Biology and Pre-Health. She is an exceptional peer-educator, peer-mentor, and faculty-collaborator who has dedicated a significant amount of time and effort to learn and reflect on evidence-based best practices. Her goal is to enhance learning outcomes and experiences for students at CU Boulder. Throughout her time in the LA Program, Emily has taken on increasing levels of responsibility and leadership. She consistently challenges herself through feedback, goal-setting, and critical self-reflection. Emily is skilled at building collaborative learning communities that encourage critical thinking and connection. She is also organized, curious, and kind, which makes her an invaluable part of the program and a leader at CU Boulder.  Beyond the LA program, Emily has also worked on events like the ASAP resource fair and has also presented a poster at the International LA Conference in October 2023, where she collaborated with others to help institutions worldwide consider the goals and impacts of student leadership positions and peer mentorship. Emily is a compassionate, honest, and effective communicator who leads by example.


Rain Michael | Leadership Studies Minor

Rain is currently studying Psychology and Music Composition and is also enrolled in the Leadership Studies Minor. They are a composer, linguist, and a curious person who loves learning about psychology. Rain considers themself a "maker of sounds" and an "asker of questions". Their interdisciplinary knowledge, musical abilities, and aspirations are brought into the classroom where they enrich the understanding of leadership. According to Rain, leadership means creating a space for others to learn and grow, and for themselves to do the same. Rain also works as a Registered Behavior Technician at Wild Sun Behavioral Services, where they provide one-on-one treatment to children with behavioral struggles or disorders. Rain has established themself as one of the most resourceful young musicians in the College of Music. They have demonstrated leadership by managing stage performances, organizing ensembles, and planning and executing recitals and recording projects. Rain is willing to embrace discomfort, ask critical questions, and reconsider their opinions. They actively participate in every class and are not afraid to challenge opinions and engage in respectful discussions. Rain is kind-hearted and collaborative, making them an exemplary member of the academic community.


Adriona Salgado | Student Academic Success Center (SASC)

Adriona is a role model in the Student Academic Success Center (SASC) studying Integrative Physiology. She is actively involved in TRiO Student Support Services, serving as a Peer Mentor in a leadership role. Additionally, she works as an Instructional Assistant (IA) which is a leadership role in SASC supporting student learning. She truly shines in this role, interacting with a wide variety of students, staff, and faculty, and always conducts herself with respect and integrity. Adriona has been observed walking students through registration processes, checking in on academic progress, and making significant contributions to community events. Adriona is also a participant in the Undergraduate Pre-health Program at CU Anschutz Medical Campus, working with the Intermountain Neuroimaging Consortium, and volunteers at Boulder Community Health in Urology. She is in her final year at CU and her goal is to attend medical school where she will continue to provide exceptional service and leadership to her community and patients. Adriona exemplifies all the characteristics of a great leader and embodies the attributes of the Colorado Creed, with respect, integrity, and commitment to a greater good. She welcomes everyone with warmth and friendliness, helping to create an inclusive community for students. Adriona is a diligent worker, a responsible student, and a strong leader in the community, treating everyone with respect, dignity, and empathy.


Meghan Fall | Volunteer Resource Center

Meghan is a sophomore student majoring in Business and working as a student employee for the Volunteer Resource Center (VRC). She is serving as a PALS Peer Mentor and a Site Leader for the inaugural Winter Alternative Break. In addition, she is also involved in our Volunteer Placement Program with Colorado Reading Partners. Both new programs, PALS and our Winter AB have benefited from Meghan’s attention to detail, her propensity for activation, and her knack for building community among her peers. Meghan is also a Leeds Scholar, a Dalai Lama Fellow with the Renée Crown Wellness Institute, and the President of CU’s chapter of Be the Match. Furthermore, she has taken the initiative to spearhead a new partnership with Judi’s House, which provides support to grieving children and their families. Meghan is finding ways to expand service opportunities for students on campus and doing it in a way that connects to her values and lived experiences. Meghan is a selfless, determined, and respectful individual who demonstrates grit in everything she does. She is the type of person who embraces differences and uses them to strengthen a group.


Veronica Estrada | Multicultural Leadership Scholars Program

Veronica is a participant in the Multicultural Leadership Scholars Program and is studying Astronomy. She is known for her exceptional maturity and her ability to handle difficult situations with excellent judgement and adaptability, whether they are personal or academic. Veronica conducts herself with great dignity and compassion and goes above and beyond what is expected of her in the classroom. She shows humility when seeking help, recognizing the strengths of others and the importance of teamwork. Her research in Astronomy is cutting-edge and provocative, and her leadership skills are displayed not only within the Physics department but also in the Multicultural Leadership Studies program where she has served as a Peer Mentor to first-year students. Veronica is also involved with Thorton High School, her previous institution, and works as a liaison between the school and CU Boulder. Her work focuses on volunteer efforts to organize STEM events in the school and provide resources and opportunities for high-school students to receive tutoring in computer sciences and mathematics. Her natural leadership ability, perseverance, compassion, and respect for others make her an asset to the CU community. Veronica hopes to stay at CU and become a doctoral student in the Physics department with an ultimate goal of becoming a Physics professor.


Nicole Woods | Air Force ROTC

Nicole is studying Psychology and is serving in the Air Force ROTC program. This academic year, Cadet Woods was given the role of Deputy Wing Commander for a Cadet Wing consisting of 225 officer candidates. During her leadership experience, she transformed the organization by promoting a team mindset and changing the way cadets work together. She fosters connection and team spirit, using her emotional intelligence to address the needs of her subordinates. Nicole's outstanding leadership history began when she served as a flight commander and her command team was nominated as one of the top Flight Commanders in the Detachment. After that, her flight was recognized as one of the highest-performing units in the organization. Nicole holds many leadership positions in extracurriculars outside of AFROTC, including her involvement in Arnold Air Society (AAS), a professional, honorary, service organization. As Deputy Operations Officer, she transformed her squadron's service impact, logging a record 3,800 service and professional development hours. Dedicated to seeing her team recognized, she independently arranged eight award packages, one of which helped the squadron achieve the 2023 Badley Trophy for Best Medium Squadron of the Nation – the first award the squadron has received in over a decade. Currently, she manages the strategic communications of thirteen squadrons in five states as the AAS Region VIII Director of Public Affairs, serving as regional staff. Nicole has also become a Facilitator with Peak-to-Peak, where she has mentored over 100+ freshman and sophomore cadets at a critical phase of their collegiate careers. Nicole uses her leadership not only to develop herself but also to develop her peers and subordinates. She has consistently demonstrates herself to be caring and compassionate is a great example of servant leadership.


Jack Varsames | CU Outdoor Pursuits

Jack is a Marketing major and works as a staff member with Outdoor Pursuits. He is a dedicated team member and always eager to learn new ways to contribute. Jack volunteered to help with facility inspections and became an excellent role model for new team members. He is responsible for planning and executing climbing gym events, including Inclusive Rec programs such as Women Rock and Pride Night. He is passionate about welcoming under-represented populations into the climbing gym community. Jack supervises these events and empowers beginners to try the sport. In the summer of 2023, Jack completed his Climbing Wall Instructor certification to better support the team of instructors when coverage is needed. He is open to new ideas and approaches, excited to try new solutions, and an excellent and conscientious communicator. Jack is a never-ending fountain of positivity and supports his teammates in trying new things and learning new skills. He spreads encouragement everywhere and embodies many of the characteristics laid out in the Colorado Creed.


Ben O'Meara | Residence Hall Association

Ben is studying Neuroscience and Psychology. He has been working as a Resident Advisor (RA) for three years and is involved in various programs such as CU GOLD, the Learning Assistant Program, and AED, CU’s prehealth club, where he serves as an executive member. Ben is also a research assistant in the Molas Lab, serves as the President of the Neuroscience Club, and is a member of the Community Advisory Board for Downtown Boulder where he has been actively promoting anti-racist measures and creating accessible spaces for everyone to enjoy. Ben has been working to promote neuroscience outreach programs in middle and high schools in partnership with the Behavioral Neuroscience program’s efforts. He also mentors students as a member of the Allies and Mentors in Psychology and Neuroscience program and serves as a student committee member for the departmental Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Ben is also a tutor for the National Neuroscience Honors Society, Nu Rho Psi. During the summer, Ben worked as a curriculum curator for the CU Science Discover summer program, where he taught the Neuroscience summer camp and educated and excited high school students from across the state about the human brain. He strives to ensure that students are aware of the opportunities available to them for research, academics, and social connections that can help them have a successful college career. As a community-focused leader, he provides care, inclusion, and mentorship to students. Ben has a natural aptitude for teaching and his infectious enthusiasm resonates with students will make him a natural success as he moves on to a position with Teach for America.