Published: Jan. 24, 2024
Staff Council banner on Dirk's patio at the Center for Community.

CU Boulder Staff Council is pleased to announce it has expanded its representation to include the research faculty titles of professional research assistants (PRAs and senior PRAs) and research associates (RAs and senior RAs). This development marks a significant step toward ensuring the voices and concerns of PRAs and RAs are heard and addressed by university leadership. 

At the beginning of 2023, Staff Council convened an exploratory committee to examine the feasibility and benefits of including these groups within its representative body. The committee recognized that research faculty were not represented by any of the recognized shared governance groups as defined by existing organization bylaws.

As such, the committee conducted in-depth discussions and round table sessions with PRAs and RAs to understand their priorities, issues and aspirations within the university community.  

The discussions revealed a strong alignment between many of the priorities and issues of PRAs, RAs and university staff. Recognizing the strong alignment and the need for representation, Staff Council voted in favor of expanding representation to PRAs and RAs on the Boulder campus. In November, Staff Council voted to amend their bylaws to include additional PRA/RA representatives and to allocate two representative seats.

Next steps will include Staff Council information sessions and a call for PRA and RA candidates to run in the staff council March election.

Staff Council is excited to welcome professional research assistants and research associates to shared governance. Their inclusion will enhance the well-being and professional growth of all university staff, PRAs and RAs.  

Please contact with questions.