Published: Sept. 17, 2024

Honor Code statement required in all syllabi:
All students enrolled in a University of Colorado Boulder course are responsible for knowing and adhering to the Honor Code. Violations of the policy may include plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, lying, bribery, threat, unauthorized access to academic materials, clicker fraud, submitting the same or similar work in more than one course without permission from all course instructors involved, and aiding academic dishonesty. All incidents of academic misconduct will be reported to the Honor Code (; 303-492-5550). Students who are found responsible for violating the academic integrity policy will be subject to non-academic sanctions from the Honor Code as well as academic sanctions from the faculty member. Additional information regarding the Honor Code academic integrity policy can be found on the Honor Code website.
The purpose of the Honor Code is to create an environment where students can succeed fairly and honestly. It allows academic integrity to flourish by recognizing the importance of trust, respect and responsibility.  

But when students are overwhelmed with new classes or in a rush to get things done, they may intentionally or unintentionally engage in academic dishonesty due to pressure around succeeding academically. While the consequences may limit their chances of achieving academic success, there are things faculty and staff can do proactively to help ensure that students are not making these mistakes.   

Here are five things faculty and staff should know to help students understand and follow the Honor Code.  

1. CU Boulder Honor Code standards may be new for some students 

Every student has a different educational background. Whether they are first-year, transfer, international or domestic students, the CU Boulder Honor Code standards may be different or stricter than their previous experiences. Encourage your students to review CU’s Honor Code and come to you if they have questions about Honor Code policies in your class.  

You may also consider reminding your students about the impact of violating the Honor Code. Here are some examples that you could communicate to your class:  

  • Recognize that CU faculty have a responsibility to report any suspected academic misconduct.  
  • Engaging in academic misconduct can negatively affect others.  
  • Being found responsible for violating the Honor Code can result in greater impacts than just a poor grade.   

Be sure to remind students that getting support can help prevent adverse outcomes. Students can contact faculty or Student Support & Case Management when they need support. 

student writing on whiteboard2. Honor Code violations may be different in each class 

Ensure students are informed about Honor Code violations at the beginning of the semester and before big projects or exams. Using specific examples related to your course and referencing the sections in your syllabus is helpful. While there are campus-wide academic integrity expectations, there may be standards unique to your class. Faculty should consider what cheating would look like in your class and not assume students will know your expectations.  

For example, in-person versus remote classes may have different expectations. Some faculty may encourage open-book exams, while others do not allow students to bring their notes to tests. There may also be confusion over how similar answers can be if students share information and collaborate when working together on a project. With new AI technology available, it’s vital to educate students on the AI policy for your class and when they may and may not use AI for papers, projects, exams or other assignments.   

Here are some additional situations during an online project or exam where you would want to give clear expectations in writing on the course syllabus:  

  • Which resources can students use during open-book exams, including the internet or the textbook and course materials?   
  • Is it okay to upload course material to a study site and access it during the exam?  
  • Can students talk to a classmate over Zoom or another platform while screen sharing?  
  • Can students use a shared Google note sheet during an exam?  

3. There are various academic dishonesty consequences for students 

Helping students understand the gravity of violating the Honor Code before they cheat or plagiarize can improve their chances of making honest decisions. Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution (SCCR) focuses on education instead of punishment. The goal is not to scare students but to encourage them not to engage in academic dishonesty again.  

Each case is determined based on its unique factors. However, common non-academic outcomes include:  

  • Seminars: Seminar topics include ethics, writing or time management.  
  • CU Restorative Justice: Restorative Justice helps to address the relationship between victims, offenders and the community in a way that repairs the impacts of an incident and holds the offender accountable for their actions.  
  • Written warning: A warning is a written statement from a resolution specialist saying that the behavior was inappropriate and that more serious conduct action will be taken if violations happen again.  
  • Honor Code probation: Probation includes a written statement that the student’s behavior was inappropriate and gives a timeframe for the student to remain on probation. Any violation of the Honor Code or the conditions of probation during that timeframe will result in an outcome that could impact the student’s status with CU Boulder.    
  • Honor Code Loss of Good Standing: Loss of Good Standing includes a written statement that the student’s behavior was inappropriate and gives a timeframe for when the student is not in good standing. Any violation of the Honor Code or the condition of the Loss of Good Standing during that timeframe will result in outcomes that impact the student’s status with CU Boulder. Loss of Good Standing might impact or prohibit a student from representing the university through official events, participating in Education Abroad and/or serving in a leadership position or on a university committee.  
  • Honor Code suspension: The student must leave the university and not participate in university activities for a specified time. This outcome is noted on the student’s transcript during the suspension period, and the student must apply for readmission if they want to remain a student at the university. 

4. It's best to discuss an Honor Code violation with the student 

When you are aware of or suspect an Honor Code violation, speak to the student before reporting the incident. It can be challenging for a student if the first time they learn of an allegation is in an email notification from SCCR. Letting the student know beforehand also advises them to be on the lookout for communication from SCCR.  

SCCR recommends clearly explaining what you think may have happened and what evidence you have to support the allegation. For example, you saw the student copying another student’s work or a student’s essay has a high Turnitin score.  

Faculty and staff should ensure students have the opportunity to respond. Ask open-ended questions such as what happened, or ask them to help you understand why the essays or exams are so similar. After discussing the incident with the student, let them know how it will impact their grade, whether you will report the violation to SCCR if you still believe academic dishonesty occurred and what the student can expect next.  

5. Faculty should report Honor Code violations to SCCR

Faculty are expected to submit a report to SCCR when they are aware of or suspect an Honor Code violation. SCCR will only accept these referrals within 40 days of the faculty member discovering the suspected violation. This timeframe helps protect students’ due process rights and ensure the prompt resolution of cases. If you have questions regarding the Honor Code, SCCR is a strong partner and can talk with you to better understand the situation.  

Here is information to include in an Honor Code report:  

  • Who violated the Honor Code 
  • The behavior or action you observed or found while grading that caused you to suspect that a violation occurred 
  • When the violation happened and when you discovered it 
  • Which class the violation occurred in 
  • The course syllabus 
  • Any supporting documentation, such as the Turnitin report, Canvas access logs, similar exams or assignments, answer keys or i-clicker reports 

When SCCR receives a report, the office reviews all the information submitted and sends a letter summarizing the information you provided to SCCR to the student, indicating they have been reported to the Honor Code. The letter includes a brief statement explaining the allegation and requests a time for the student to meet with a resolution specialist. This 1:1 meeting is not a trial. It’s a conversation where the student can share their perspective on the allegation.   

After the resolution specialist meets with the student, the case may be brought to the Honor Code Advisory Board. If appropriate, a decision about responsibility and non-academic outcomes will be determined. SCCR will then send a letter to the student and reporting faculty member outlining the decision.  

If you would like to educate your students or department further, SCCR has presentations on various topics, including what the Honor Code is, how to file an Honor Code report and common cheating and detection. SCCR can also review syllabi and give feedback.   

Email SCCR to schedule a presentation that meets the specific needs of your class or team.