Student holds artwork featured in CU Art Museum's Last Libraries exhibition

Exhibition focuses on humans’ response to a changing climate

Feb. 5, 2020

Two classes of undergraduate students in the Program in Environmental Design worked with Mary Mattingly, the CU Art Museum’s artist-in-residence, to design models for an ecotopian library of the future for the exhibition.

CU Boulder physicist Robert Karl in the lab

A physicist who knows what matters: A good punchline

Jan. 17, 2020

Have you heard the one about the physicist who moonlights as a comedian? When CU Boulder's Robert Karl is not in the lab, he works on jokes and performs in weekly comedy shows.

Joelle Westcott on campus

Creative Expressions: Student merges civil engineering with photography

Sept. 23, 2019

An undergraduate in civil engineering with a passion for photography helped build a footbridge for a community in the Hhohho region of Eswatini and documented it through photographs.
