Student wearing mask swipes Buff OneCard in a dining hall

Changes to campus dining for students, faculty and staff

Feb. 4, 2021

Campus Dining Services is excited to welcome the campus community back. We have made adjustments to our operations to ensure health and safety. See what's new.

Houses in Boulder

Tips for attending the Virtual Housing Expo

Jan. 27, 2021

The Feb. 15 expo is a great way to find housing, meet with landlords and have your questions answered. Here are some tips for making the most of your virtual expo experience.

Student at computer with hands raised in celebration

Study tips to succeed semester

Jan. 27, 2021

It’s never too late to set up a schedule, prepare for classes and find what works for you. Here are some study tips to help you succeed this semester.

Man in face covering working on a computer.

5 secret strengths of being a transfer student

Jan. 21, 2021

Here are some strengths you can take advantage of because you are a transfer student.

Students in masks studying in the Engineering Lobby.

How to succeed in remote classes this semester

Jan. 14, 2021

Classes are starting remotely, and even though your learning environment may be different, it doesn’t mean your academic expectations should be. Here are some ways to make the most of remote learning.

Ralphie running statue with face coverings

Lessons of the past: Succeeding as a transfer student

Jan. 13, 2021

We asked transfer students what they wish they would have known to make their transition to CU easier and more memorable. Here are some lessons they learned to help start your semester strong.

student wearing mask on campus

Looking for things to do? Check out upcoming student events this month

Jan. 11, 2021

From DIY nights and fitness classes to career fairs and watch parties, Student Affairs offers hundreds of events, workshops and opportunities to get involved each semester. See what's coming up.

person studying at home

How to create your perfect study spot

Jan. 10, 2021

With classes starting remotely, it’s important to have one or multiple (if possible) places where you can study and stay focused. Here are some tips to consider to create the perfect study spot no matter where you are.

Student on computer

Finals advice from Buffs

Dec. 4, 2020

Learn from fellow Buffs what they do to prepare, manage their time and de-stress during finals week.

 Allie Reuter, Senior Class Council president

A message from the 2021 Senior Class Council president

Dec. 3, 2020

As a council, we are currently working on selecting the 2021 spring commencement speaker, while also planning the senior class gift, video and social events. This year, we are also looking forward to finding creative ways to engage our senior class despite the current circumstances.
