Anchorage, Alaska

Optimizing computational models to better understand marine ecosystem

Nov. 29, 2022

An early and ongoing love for the water and the place where he grew up informs Skyler Kern’s doctoral research, which optimizes computational models of biogeochemical processes to one day inform climate change policy.

A World War II veterans' trailer park on the CU Boulder campus.

The history of Vetsville: How CU housed thousands of World War II veterans

Nov. 11, 2022

When CU Boulder’s student population nearly doubled during the end of World War II, the university set out to house more than 4,600 vets—many with spouses and children—who received GI Bill benefits.

Student veterans study in the VMA student lounge

Veteran and Military Affairs office aims to do right by veterans

Nov. 8, 2022

A CU Boulder bridge program is designed to help student veterans transition to university life through acclimation to academics and social opportunities on campus.

Guests mingle as a pattern of gold light filters through the atrium windows.

Newest research institute tackles mental health, wellness through integration of science, community

Oct. 18, 2022

CU Boulder’s newest institute—the Renée Crown Wellness Institute—celebrated its grand opening on University Hill with a joyful event highlighting the importance of the institute’s work: addressing the mental health crisis.

Journalism students at work at the University of Colorado, circa 1920s or 1930s.

CU celebrates long legacy of student journalism

Oct. 6, 2022

The first student newspaper at the University of Colorado launched in 1892. Since then, student coverage has created a colorful record of student life amidst adversity, controversy, levity and the most significant historical events of the 20th and 21st centuries.

stacked rocks on river

Students, faculty forge a thoughtful path to a mindful future

Sept. 19, 2022

The Mindful Campus Program, designed by students and faculty, aims to help students improve their own wellness and that of the community.

Uplift program meeting

Grad students organize STEM research experiences for underrepresented undergrads

Sept. 8, 2022

In 2021, a new research scholarship program, Uplift, was launched by the graduate student organization STEM Routes to provide mentored research experiences specifically catering to the challenges faced by underrepresented and underprivileged undergraduates at CU Boulder.

Sona Dimidjian

How the Crown Institute is contributing to mental health, wellness at CU Boulder

Sept. 2, 2022

As the Renée Crown Wellness Institute gears up for its grand opening this fall, Director Sona Dimidjian addresses the current climate for mental health and wellness among young people and how the institute is taking supportive action.

Howard B. Waltz Music Library

Black Lives Matter movement sparks composers project

Aug. 2, 2022

A new composers project on campus encourages recommendations for scores by Black, Indigenous and other people of color (BIPOC) composers. Stephanie Bonjack of the Howard B. Waltz Music Library explains.

Buffalo Bicycle Classic riders

20 years of the Buffalo Bicycle Classic

July 27, 2022

Colorado’s largest fundraising bicycle ride for scholarships began humbly enough, with two men brainstorming as they took a long ride for a children’s charity.
