Boulder flatirons

Untangling methane emissions

March 22, 2019

Using cutting-edge instrumentation, CIRES researchers are able to track and differentiate sources of methane, a greenhouse gas and air pollutant.

women farmers in tanzania

When more women are decision-makers, the environment wins

March 21, 2019

When more women are involved in group decisions about how to manage land, the group conserves more—particularly when offered financial incentives, new research shows.

An alpine landscape in Colorado.

Alpine tundra releases long-frozen CO2

March 21, 2019

Thawing permafrost in high-altitude mountain ecosystems may be a stealthy, underexplored contributor to atmospheric carbon dioxide emissions.

NASA sea ice

Arctic sea ice reaches maximum extent for 2019

March 20, 2019

Arctic sea ice likely reached its maximum extent for the year at 5.71 million square miles, effectively tied for seventh lowest in the 40-year satellite record.

Woman checks smartphone

Quiz: Can you recognize and respond to bias?

March 20, 2019

How well can you recognize biased behaviors? Do you know what resources are available to help? Test your knowledge of bias with our interactive quiz.

Clean up on The Hill

5 reasons you should volunteer this year

March 20, 2019

Many benefits come with donating your time and talents to causes that are important to you. Whether you have a free afternoon, weekend or time during the summer, here are five reasons you should volunteer.

cigarette butts

Thinking of quitting? How to nix the nicotine

March 19, 2019

Choosing to quit using tobacco is beneficial to your physical and mental health. It takes time and energy, so being prepared and learning what works and what doesn’t can help ensure your success.

Blue refillable water bottle

How refilling your water bottle can help pay your tuition

March 18, 2019

The PIPs Rewards app allows you to earn “positive impact points” for various actions that benefit the planet, community and your personal health. Now these points also can be turned into scholarships.

Person counting dollar bills

Spring break savings tips

March 12, 2019

Whether you are staying in Boulder or traveling over spring break, here are some fun, free and low-cost ways you can enjoy your spring break.


Marine organisms face fatal horizon in Southern Ocean

March 11, 2019

Marine microorganisms in the Southern Ocean may find themselves in a deadly vise grip by century’s end as ocean acidification creates a shallower horizon for life.
