Graphic depicting the weak interactions between neutral fermionic atoms in an ultracold gas.

Turning water into ice in the quantum realm

Aug. 2, 2019

Scientists have discovered that they can nudge clouds of ultracold atoms into two distinct phases where those particles behave in completely different ways.

Brian Robb and Michael Marshak

A high-performance battery for renewable energy storage

July 25, 2019

A low-cost, high-performance battery chemistry could one day lead to scalable grid-level storage for wind and solar energy that could help electrical utilities reduce their dependency on fossil fuels.

A mock-up of what a LunaSat might look like on the moon

Students to send hundreds of leaf-sized spacecraft to the moon

July 23, 2019

The Great Lunar Expedition for Everyone (GLEE) will reveal new information about the lunar surface and pave the way for human astronauts on the moon.

Person browsing library

Educating moms and dads may save kids' lives

July 22, 2019

Children whose mothers lack a college education are significantly more likely to die young, particularly from unintentional injuries, according to a sweeping new CU Boulder study of more than 377,000 youth.

Art of a woman being bullied by male coworkers.

Sexual harassment declining in #MeToo era, gender harassment rising, new studies suggest

July 17, 2019

From 2016 to 2018, American women experienced significantly lower levels of sexual harassment in the workplace, but increasing levels of gender harassment.

Flatirons from Chatauqua in the summer with flowers in the foreground

Sexual harassment: An FAQ

July 8, 2019

Sexual harassment can be a tricky subject to navigate. Here are answers to some of the most commonly asked questions from graduate students about sexual harassment.

Lara Vimercati examines a nieves penitentes structure on Volcán Llullaillaco in Chile

Even in jagged volcanic ice spires, life finds a way

July 8, 2019

High in the Andes Mountains, dagger-shaped ice spires house thriving microbial communities and an oasis for life in one of Earth’s harshest environments.

Presidential emergency alert message

National emergency alerts potentially vulnerable to attack

June 20, 2019

New research shows that hackers, working with limited resources, could send fake emergency alerts to cell phones in a confined area like a sports stadium.

(Credit NASA)

Meteors help Martian clouds form

June 17, 2019

Researchers think they’ve solved the long-standing mystery of how Mars got all of its clouds.

Sunspots appear on the surface of Earth's sun.

The sun may have a dual personality, simulations suggest

June 11, 2019

A deep dive into the sun's interior provides new clues to the forces that govern that star's internal clock.
