2024 Signaling Symposium

Monday May 13, 2024 8:15am - 3:30pm

SCR symposium 2024

Nels Elde, University of Utah (Elde Lab)

The Elde laboratory investigates host-pathogen interfaces and the evolutionary impact of these interactions on genomic and cellular complexity. A major focus of these efforts is using integrated phylogenetic and experimental approaches to identify new sources of genetic resistance to infectious diseases.

Steve Henikoff, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Inst / University of Washington (Henikoff Lab)

Work in the Henikoff lab continues to be sharply focused on protein-DNA interaction dynamics. Their technology development efforts remain focused on better ways of addressing dynamics at the interfaces between DNA and the proteins and protein complexes involved in these fundamental genetic processes.


2023 SCR Symposium

Friday May 19, 2023 - Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotechnology Building - University of Colorado Boulder

Featuring keynote speakers Julia Zeitlinger and Neville Sanjana.

SCR symposium 2023

2022 SCR Symposium

The 15th annual SCR Symposium featuring keynote speakers

Gloria Brar 'Unconventional Gene Regulatory Circuitry Underlies Meiosis (and Beyond)'

Gentry Patrick 'Glutamate Receptors, Ubiquitin, and the Endolysosomal Pathway at CNS Synapses'


2021 SCR Symposium

The 2021 SCR Symposium will take place (over Zoom) on Monday, May 10th.

Featuring keynote speakers Joshua Mendell (UT Southwestern) and Thomas Vierbuchen (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center).

2020 SCR Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers Jennifer Lippincoft-Schwartz and Harmut Malik

2020 SCR symposium poster

2019 SCR Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers Eric Olson and Janelle Ayres

2019 SCR symposium poster


2018 SCR Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers Karen Adelman and Liam Holt

2018 SCR symposium poster


2017 SCR Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers Tim Mitchison and Adam Frost

2017 SCR symposium flyer


2016 SCR Symposium

Featuring keynote speakers Tobias Meyer (Stanford) and Jonathan Weissman (UCSF)

2016 SCR symposium poster


2015 SCR Symposium

2015 Symposium Poster

Featuring keynote speakers:

Matthew Warman - "Visualization and evolution of transcriptional enhancers controlling animal development"

 Michael Levine (now at Princeton) - "Recognizing somatic mosaic overgrowthdisorders, finding their cause, and modeling these disorders in mice"


 SCR Symposium 2014

Featuring keynote speakers Nicole King and  Pietro De Camilli

2014 Symposium Poster


SCR Symposium 2013

2013 Symposium Poster

Featuring keynote speakers:

Kevan Shokat, UCSF - “Chemical Approaches to Deciphering and Controlling Signal Transduction Pathways”

Toshio Tsukiyama, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - “Regulation and functions of chromatin remodeling”


SCR Symposium 2012

2012 Symposium Poster

Featuring keynote speakers:

Joe Kao, University of Maryland - "Probing Cellular Signaling with light"

JoAnne Trejo, UCSD Medical School - "Protease-activated receptor signaling, endothelial cells and ubiquitin"


2011 Symposium Poster


Featuring keynote speakers:

Harvey Lodish, MIT - "From Hematopoietic Stem Cell to Erythroblast: Regulation of Red Cell Production at Multiple Levels"

Patrick O'Farrell, UCSF - "Pacing Early Embryogenesis"