Development Project Support Requests

Scaled Online Degree Development Project Support Request Form

Use this form only to request support for a project related to courses and programs offered on the Cousera platform.

  • Students: Please use the links above to get support. This form is only for project support requests from CU Boulder faculty and staff.
  • Faculty: Please use the link above if you are looking for information about course development. This form is only for projects related to these courses and programs.
Indicates required field
First and Last Name
Relationship to CU Boulder
What is your relationship to CU Boulder?
What is your program/department affiliation?
Quick name for this project. We will use this to create a ticket name in Jira.
Please provide name and email address for the point of contact if that is not you.
Please include stakeholders, affected parties, and any other relevant information (such as work done to this point).
Select label(s)
Labels indicate topical task area(s). Select all that apply.
Do you have any documents related to this issue? If yes, please email the document(s) to