Dani Merriman Headshot

Alumni, Dani Merriman, Becomes an ACLS Leading Edge Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History

May 4, 2021

In February 2021, Dani became an American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Leading Edge Fellow at the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of American History where she works on an oral history project related to COVID-19 vaccines and equity.

Anden Drolet on a road under an ornate entrance

Anden Drolet Successfully Defends His Research Prospectus

April 30, 2021

Anden Drolet successfully defended his research prospectus "Living a GNH Life: Buddhism, Modern Possibilities, and the Contradictions of Gross National Happiness." His committee is advisor Carole McGranahan, and professors Alison Cool, Holly Gayley (Religious Studies), Jerry Jacka, and Carla Jones. Congratulations, Anden, on advancing to Ph.D. candidacy!

carlton_quinn_shield_chief_gover_-_in front of Hale Science Building

Graduate Student Carlton Gover Awarded an SAA Native American Graduate Archaeology Scholarship

April 29, 2021

Carlton was recently awarded the highly competitive Society for American Archaeology Native American Graduate Archaeology Scholarship for $11,000. The SAA Native American Graduate Archaeology Scholarship supports graduate studies for Native American students. For 2021, funding includes tuition, travel, food, housing, books, supplies, equipment, family and dependent care, medical expenses, online...

Jerry Jacka with mountains in the background

Jerry Jacka Awarded the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award

April 29, 2021

Jerry Jacka awarded the 2020-2021 Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award. We are grateful to Jerry for his outstanding leadership and mentorship this year—especially given the personal and more general travails that were in our midst. We feel this is an award that is well deserved. Congratulations, Jerry, and Thank YOU!!

Alison Cool, Donna Goldstein, Kate Goldfarb and Anna Wynfield Zoom Screen

Anna Wynfield Successfully Defends Her MA Thesis

April 26, 2021

Ph.D. student, Anna Wynfield successfully defended her master thesis, "Improvising Expertise: Pregnancy, Vaccination, and the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Anna’s research is about how pregnant people are conceptualizing decisions to vaccinate, considering the lack of clinical trial data for these populations. Great work, Anna!

Sangjie Zhaxi standing in front of an ornate building door

Sanggay Tashi Awarded an AES 2021 Small Grant

April 26, 2021

Ph.D. student, Sanggay Tashi, whose project, “Surviving Settlement: Interdependence as Tibetan Nomadic Strategy against Dispossession,” was awarded one of the 2021 small grants from the American Ethnological Society (AES). This award is given to first or second-year students in a Ph.D. program in anthropology or allied fields. Projects must involve...

Alison Cool, Paige Edmiston, Kate Goldfarb & Carla Jones Zoom Screen

Paige Edmiston Successfully Defends Her MA Thesis

April 26, 2021

Paige Edmiston Successfully Defends Her MA Thesis, Congratulations, Paige!

Olivia Cunningham on a rock formation

Oliva Cunningham Successfully Defends Her MA Thesis

April 23, 2021

Olivia completed a successful defense of her Master’s Thesis, "Daring to Hope and Resistance through Attunement: A contemplation on environmental injustice and ecofascism, with aplomb." Congratulations Olivia and thanks to her committee members, Carla Jones, and Clint Carroll.

Will in the mountains with a horse

Will Taylor Receives a 2021 CU Seed Grant

April 22, 2021

Will was a recipient of one of the 2021 CU Seed Grants for his project entitled: Exploring Pastoral Prehistory and Climate Dynamics in the Mongolian Altai Through Glacial Archaeology. Research & Innovation Seed Grants are specifically aimed to stimulate inter-and multidisciplinary work on research, scholarship, and creative activity projects that...

Georgia Butcher Dissertation Defense Via Zoom

Georgia Butcher Successfully Defends Her MA Thesis

April 21, 2021

Georgia Butcher completed a successful defense of her Master’s Thesis, "Commercial Interests and State Desires - Biometric Data Collection and the Problem of Legibility." Congratulations, Georgia!
