ATOC 1050 Weather and the Atmosphere
section -001 (lecture only) T/Th 930am-1045am DUAN G1B30 with Ufuk Turuncoglu
section -010 (lecture w/ recitations) M/W 125pm-215pm CHEM 140 with Liz Cassano
recitation -011 Wednesdays 510pm-600pm SEEC S126 with Jennie Fleurant
recitation -012 Wednesdays 615pm-705pm SEEC S126 with Jennie Fleurant
recitation -013 Fridays 935am-1025am SEEC N126 with Jennie Fleurant
recitation -014 Fridays 1250pm-140pm SEEC N126 with Jennie Fleurant
rectiation -021 Wednesdays 405pm-455pm SEEC S125 with Kiley Beckwith
recitation -022 Wednesdays 615pm-705pm SEEC S125 with Kiley Beckwith
recitation -023 Thursdays 400pm-450pm SEEC N129 with Kiley Beckwith
recitation -024 Thursdays 530pm-620pm SEEC S125 with Kiley Beckwith
recitation -031 Wednesdays 405pm-455pm SEEC S125 with Alex Greimann
recitation -032 Wednesdays 615pm-705pm SEEC N126 with Alex Greimann
recitation -033 Thursdays 400pm-450pm SEEC S125 with Alex Greimann
recitation -034 Thursdays 530pm-620pm SEEC N129 with Alex Greimann