CVEN 5129: Program & Project Management

In-person & Online Synchronous, Spring, First 5 weeks, 1 Credit, Tu/Th 10:00-11:15 am

Instructor: Carlo Salvinelli

Course Information

This course will cover the principles, practice and phases of international development program and project management including identification, design, execution, monitoring and evaluation, exit strategy, and scaling up. Emphasis will be posed on specific challenges and constrains related to the multidisciplinary, dynamic and complex nature of development projects. Students will be exposed to a number of methodologies and tools for planning, participation and evaluation commonly used to identify needs and promote social change, including the Theory of Change and the Logical Framework Approach.

Learning Goals

  • Describe the principles, phases, and challenges of the international development project cycle management.
  • Use formats, tools, instruments and procedures employed in planning, implementation and evaluation of international development projects.
  • Develop a theory of change, a logical framework and the indicators used to measure progress towards an intervention’s outcome achievement.

Textbooks and Materials

There is no required text. Readings will consist of textbook chapters, peer-reviewed journal articles and reports. All required readings will be provided through Canvas. Check regularly on Canvas for information about lecture content, readings and assignments.

Course Calendar (subject to change)


International development project challenges and constrains

CENTROMAR case study

Theory of Change

Program management and project cycle management


Logical Framework Approach:

Stakeholder analysis, problem/solution/strategy analysis

Logical Framework Approach:

logframe matrix, activity and resource scheduling


Project implementation: Case study MAE-GOH

Project implementation: Case study MAE-GOH


Monitoring and evaluation plan

Exit strategy and scaling up





Class participation (20% of final grade): class participation is an essential component of the requirements for successful completion of this course. Points for class participation are not simply guaranteed by attendance (which is required); participation consists of being present in class, reading all assignments prior to the beginning of class, and being an active member in class discussions and presentations.

Essays and presentations (20% of final grade): Students will write essays and present in class about assigned topics, readings and case studies. Directions will be given in class and posted in Canvas.

Logical framework/Theory of Change (60% of final grade): Students will develop a logframe matrix for two assigned scenarios and a Theory of Change for a case study of their choosing. 

Late Policy

The grade for late assignments will be reduced by 10 percentage points (on a 100 point scale) per day that the assignment is late. We may agree to make exceptions to this policy on a very limited basis, provided that the reason is very compelling and provided that you ask in advance.

Extra Credit (TBD points)

Extra credit assignments are not anticipated but may arise as the course progresses. 


There will be no exams in this course. 

Grading Scheme

Grades will be recorded in Canvas throughout the course. At the end of the term, the scores on all assignments are weighted by the percentages given above to determine a course score. Student grades will be determined as follows based on their course score rounded to the nearest single decimal place:


A: 100.0 to 93.0 percent

A-: 92.9 to 90.0 percent

B+: 89.9 to 87.0 percent

B: 86.9 to 83.0 percent

B-: 82.9 to 80.0 percent

C+: 79.9 to 77.0 percent

B: 76.9 to 73.0 percent

C-: 72.9 to 70.0 percent

D+: 69.9 to 67.0 percent

B: 66.9 to 63.0 percent

D-: 62.9 to 60.0 percent

F: 59.9 to 0 percent