As application season nears, students who meet our eligibility standards are encouraged to complete a Comprehensive Application Review Session with a pre-health advisor. Each student may complete one such session per academic year.

To prepare for this session, you will provide your pre-health advisor with the current version of the complete set of written application materials that will go into your common application. After receiving and reviewing your application materials, your pre-health advisor will meet with you to provide you with a comprehensive review and assessment of your current application profile, including the following:

  • Overall evaluation of the current strength of your candidacy for professional school
  • Feedback on the general impression made by the current drafts of your personal statement and application experience descriptions
  • Guidance on any additional activities to seek out prior to submitting your application and/or during your application year

How to Schedule a Comprehensive Application Review Session

The place to begin when you are ready to start preparing for the professional school application process is to attend Parts 1 and 2 of our Pre-Application Workshop series in the fall semester. (Refer to the Upcoming Events page for workshop dates.) If you are not able to attend the live workshops, you may watch the video versions of the presentations.

Topics include:

  • Outline of steps to complete in the months leading up to application season
  • Instruction on the format and content of effectively written personal statements and application experience descriptions
  • Letters of Recommendation: whom to ask and how to ask


  • Save a personal copy of the Pre-Application Google Sheet.
    • Note: The master document is "View Only." Save a copy for your own use, then update the sharing settings of your copy so that "Anyone with the Link" can edit.
  • Tabs 1-7 are required. Tabs 8-10 are optional but recommended so that we can provide you with truly comprehensive advising.
  • To make the most of your Comprehensive Candidacy Review Session, we highly recommend completing 1:1 Written Application Material Coaching sessions for your personal statement and set of experience descriptions in advance.

  • Students who meet our eligibility standards are encouraged to complete a Comprehensive Application Review Session with a pre-health advisor. Each student may complete one such session per academic year.
  • Use the Application Coaching Sign-Up Google Sheet to select your appointment time. Coaching appointments are available from December through September each year. 

  • At least three business days in advance of your appointment, send an email to the appropriate advisor ( or to provide the following information:
    •  Subject Line: Comprehensive candidacy review session on [date] 
    • Body of the email: Provide a link to your Pre-Application Google Sheet, with tabs 1-7 completed. (Tabs 8-10 are optional but highly recommended.)