Majid Zamani illustrates a point in his lab on the whiteboard

Video: Working Toward Safer Autonomous Systems

Feb. 16, 2023

Majid Zamani is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Science. He leads the Hybrid Control Systems Lab and helps protect human life through safer autonomous systems.

Aaquib Tabrez, augmented reality minesweeper and Matthew Luebbers

PhD students explore trust between humans and robots with augmented reality version of Minesweeper

July 25, 2022

When you should trust your robot teammate? Computer science PhD students Aaquib Tabrez and Matthew Luebbers, along with their advisor Assistant Professor Bradley Hayes, used augmented reality minesweeper to gain insight into a robot’s decision-making process and were awarded runner-up for best student paper at AAMAS 2022.

Bees cover

It takes a hive: community volunteers in honeybee research

July 8, 2021

Two high school students have both been volunteering at the Peleg lab regularly for over two years. Their work with the lab has led them to submit projects to several science fairs to great success, and benefit the lab's research through their involvement and curiosity.
