Instructional Innovations

Case Study Based Learning
Active engagement techniques using the 'story' of a case as a way to drive discussion of a problem.
SEE ALSO: Using Investigative Cases for teaching with investigative cases.

Clickers and Peer Instruction
Use instant-feedback polls to prompt student discussion.

Cooperative Group Problem-Solving
Students work in small groups using structured problem-solving strategies to solve complex problems.

Flipping the Large Enrollment Psychology Classroom
Flipped classroom, and a variety of active learning techniques.

Gallery Walk
Student teams rotate around the classroom, composing answers to questions posted around the class.

Game-Based Learning
Using games to help teach, often through competitive exercises or challenges.

Interactive Lecture Demonstrations
Students make predictions about the outcomes of an experiment, discussing in small groups before observing the outcome.
SEE ALSO: Interactive Lecture Demonstrations on PhysPort, for more about this technique.

Interactive Lectures
Engage students as active participants within a lecture.
SEE ALSO: Cooperative Learning for information about cooperative learning.

Cooperative learning strategy, providing structure for individual and group interaction around team assignments.

Just in Time Teaching (JiTT)
Students prepare for class through online questions which are then used to drive instructor's lecture.
SEE ALSO: Just in Time Teaching on PhysPort, for more about this technique.

Modeling instruction
Instruction that is organized around building, testing, and applying scientific models, especially in physics.
SEE ALSO: Teaching with models for general information about using and teaching with models.

Nebraska Applet Project
Online labs for introductory astronomy.

PhET Interactive Simulations
Interactive simulations for use in physics, biology, earth science, and math. Don't miss their teacher tips page.

Problem-based learning
Students work in small groups to solve real-world problems.

Ranking Tasks
Exercises that require students to engage in comparison reasoning through ranking.

A classroom structure in which the space is designed to facilitate interaction between teams of students, using round tables and, often, lab equipment.

Students work in small groups on guided-inquiry worksheets, usually in a recitation section.
SEE ALSO: Lecture Tutorials for information about tutorials used within lecture.